1000 Evangelists
We want to train, support and send out at least 1000 REAP Evangelist to reach out to the rural areas internationally for the cause of the Gospel. You can be part of this too.
5,000,000 Gospel Tracts
Our aim is to distribute at least 5 million gospel tracts by 2020 internationally. Find out how.
50,000 Bibles
We believe scriptures are source of growth to every christian’s walk we God. Hence, we want to give out at least 50,000 bibles to new believers.
Our goal is to change spiritual landscapes of countries by focusing on them as “REAP Priority Fields”.
About Us
MAP stands for Ministry for Asia Pacific. We conduct evangelistic missions and training at the request of and in cooperation with local churches and Christian organizations in the Asia-Pacific region.
We have prepared this website so that you can be more conversant with the leaders and people behind the work and ministry of MAP, and be served with the range of services and resources available at MAP for yourselves and your respective churches. Inclusion of numerous articles published in our newsletters, and coloured photographs, we trust, will make perusing of this site more interesting. The sections on MAP Resource Library, Prayer File on Countries and Itinerary Highlights will have new additions of data and materials once in four months or more regularly to keep you updated. We pray that you will be blessed during your visit to our site, and that you fill find everything you wish to know about MAP here.

Ps Ooi Chin Aik

Lydia Ooi

Rev. Albert Tang

Matthew Ngoh