Let us not become weary

Covid-19 and its subsequent trail of hazards and uncertainties has resulted in lockdowns and restrictions that disrupted the normalcy of lives worldwide, and Malaysia is no exception. With the recent weeks of unrelenting spikes in Covid-19 cases in Sabah, Kedah, and public shopping malls in Selangor, the fear of a second or third wave is real.
Emotions can be on a roller-coaster and lockdowns and restrictions not only affect the income of businesses and the working class, but social relationships and overall well-being of the person. Especially vulnerable are those who are migrant labourers while almost no one is left unscathed.
As the Lord blesses and enables us, we should aspire to provide help and hope in these challenging times, just like Joseph during the time of great famine (cf Gen. 45. 4-7) As a church, we can and should respond in the opposite spirit – not one of fear but faith. “We live by faith, not by sight.” (2 Cor. 5. 7)
Numerically, the church is almost one-third of the world’s population. Every gift and gesture of kindness and compassion helps. (cf. Ac. 11. 27-30) Let us all do our part in sharing and caring. The immediate few years are windows of opportunities to show kindness and compassion towards the needy ones and at the same time open hearts and ears to the gospel of love. (1 Jn. 4. 8)
“Let us not grow weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” (Gal. 6. 9)
Chinese New Village (CNV) Mission Trip
With the relaxation from Covid-19 restrictions from interstate travels in Peninsular Malaysia, Senior Associate Chinese Evangelist Rev. Albert Tang visited Sg. Klau CNV in Pahang on 15-16 August, 2020 and partnered with our REAP Chinese evangelist Pastor Tiang on a gospel tracting and personal evangelism mission.
Praise God for over 200 Chinese gospel tracts distributed and 2 new converts from the evangelistic outreach who attended church on Sunday 16th August and heard the preaching of Rev. Albert Tang.
The mission trip saw a total of 20 Chinese Bibles and 2 copies of the Chinese translation of “Turning Faces Towards Heaven” (TFTH) given to the church. 40 more Chinese Bibles and 8 more copies of Chinese TFTH will be distributed on the next forthcoming Chinese CNV Mission Trip. Pray for safe journey, protection and blessings of much fruit for Rev. Albert Tang and his Chinese REAP evangelists.
Below are some responses:
“I am so glad to hear the gospel from a Pastor from KL. Thank you also for the Bible. I will read and meditate on His Word every night before I go to bed. This is also my first time attending Sunday Worship. I am so blessed and will continue to worship the Almighty God here.”
Brother Lee, a farmer and a new convert.
“In the rural area like Sg. Klau CNV, they are glad to see Christians from the city visiting them. We welcome you to visit us more often.”
Pastor Tiang, REAP CNV Evangelist.

(From left to right: Bro. Lee, Rev. Albert, Bro. Yu and Ps. Tiang)

Introducing Steven Yam – MAP New Associate Evangelist for Training and REAP Malaysia

Steven Yam joins MAP effective 1 March, 2020 as an Associate Evangelist in charge of Training and REAP Malaysia.
Steven is a leader in his local church, Petra Gospel Centre, Kuala Lumpur, and brings along with him some 17 years of corporate management experience as a Regional Director with a company involved with ASEAN countries. He has many years of gospel preaching and teaching ministries to youth and adults in his church, and other churches in Malaysia.
He has an earned Master of Christian Studies (MCS) with the Malaysia Baptist Theological Seminary and is currently pursuing a Master of Theology with the Asia Graduate School of Theology (AGST).
Besides evangelistic preaching and teaching in churches and Christian fellowships, Steven will be heading the work of MAP Asian Institute of Contemporary Christianity (AICC) as the pioneering Principal with the vision of training and equipping ministers and workers of the kingdom for gospel advance leading to a Diploma of Evangelism Leadership (Dip. EL) – to be launched in 2021/22.
Welcome on board the MAP team Steven and we pray God’s mighty anointing and favour be upon you as you seek to advance God’s gospel and kingdom in Malaysia and beyond.
Steven Yam is available to take evangelistic preaching and teaching engagements in local churches and Christian fellowships. He can be contacted at mobile: 012-2898640 or email: mappartnersmal@gmail.com.
REAP in Many Many Lands (RMML)

Our faithful and persevering REAP evangelists in many many lands across the rurals of Asia (13 nations altogether) have collectively achieved the following as of November 2020:
Over 177,000 conversions to Christ, |
Over 5.4 million given the good news of Christ, |
Over 50,000 baptisms, |
Over 1,670 new rural churches planted, and |
43,430 Bibles given to new believers. |
Praise be to God and thanks for your faithful sowing that the harvest might increase and indeed it has! All glory to God.
We are now at 447 REAP evangelists across Asia against 434 REAP supporters (Δ-13 REAP Supporters).
We aim to keep all evangelists supported and working in God’s harvest field. We seek your continued prayers and fellowship to reach 500 supported REAP evangelists by end of 2021.
Do sow and partner as God blesses and enables you as a church, Christian fellowship group, cell-group, family and individual. Be blessed richly as you seek the advance of Christ’s gospel in the unreached teeming millions across rural Asia. (See attached REAP response form)
Pray, Partner and Propagate the good news together. We can do more and save more souls together. “He who wins souls is wise” (Prov. 11.30)
Bible Gifts for New Believers

In season and out of season, the Word of God must go forth. The promise in Isaiah 55.11 is that His Word will not return to Him empty, “but will accomplish the purpose for which he sent it.”
As of November 2020, another 500 new Chinese Bibles will be given to new believers in rural China, bringing the total number of Bibles sent in 2020 to 43,430 copies. Praise be to God!
Conversions | Bible Given | |
China | over 76,000 | 35,300 |
Sarawak | over 42,000 | 4,300 |
Sabah | over 11,000 | 1,200 |
Myanmar | over 25,000 | 1,000 |
India / Bhutan | over 2,700 | 2,700 |
Chinese New Village | over 1,700 | 460 |
Orang Asli | over 1,000 | 550 |
The Philippines | over 3,600 | 300 |
Total | 43,430 |
Keen to fellowship in the sowing of Bibles for new believers in rural China, East Malaysia and other countries of Asia?
Send your gift to: MAP Partners Berhad, 16-1, Jalan Ara SD7/3B, Bandar Sri Damansara, 52200 Kuala Lumpur or bank into our Public Bank Account: 3108884208 under MAP Partners Berhad. Designate “Bible gifts”. Please scan to us your bank in slip by email: mappartnersmal@gmail.com. Thank you. God bless.
MAP Premises 2nd Floor – Available for Rent

The MAP Office Building is located at 16, Jalan Ara SD7/3B, Bandar Sri Damansara, 52200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
The 2nd Floor of MAP Premises measuring 22 feet by 80 feet is vacant and available for rental.
Interested? Contact Rev. Albert Tang at office No: 03-62767510 from Mondays – Fridays for viewing and discussions.
Forthcoming Highlights for 2021
March | REAP OA Missions, Peninsular Malaysia |
May | Chin Aik’s Ordination by Evangelical Community Church Incorporated (ECCI), Melbourne, as Global Evangelist, Bible Teacher, and Theological Educator. |
August | REAP Sarawak Missions |
September | REAP Chinese New Village Missions |
November | Missions Speaker at the All Caribbean Missions Conference in Nassau, The Bahamas |
December | Christmas Evangelistic Preaching |
Itinerary Highlights, October – December 2020
October | |
10 | Preaching, SS Gospel Centre, Petaling Jaya, 5.00 pm (OCA) |
11 | Sunday Preaching, Faith Assembly Church (Chinese), Teluk Intan, Perak, 11.00 am (AT) |
23 | MAP Staff Retreat, MAP and Desa Park City, Kuala Lumpur (OCA) |
25 | Sunday Preaching, St. Philip Anglican Church (Chinese), Sungai Siput, Perak, 7.50 pm (AT) |
30 | Special Meeting, Nibong Tebal Gospel Hall, Penang, 8.30 pm (OCA) |
November | |
1 | Sunday Preaching, FGA Prai, Penang, 10.30 am (OCA) Sunday Preaching, Shalom Anglican Church, (Bahasa Malaysia), Gopeng, Perak, 3.00 pm (AT) |
6 | Combined 3 Chapters of Full Gospel Businessmen’s Fellowship, Kuala Lumpur, 1.00 pm (OCA) |
8 | Sunday Preaching, The Gospel Avenue, Sungai Buloh, Selangor, 10.30 am (OCA) Sunday Preaching, St. Peter’s Church, Ipoh, English – 9.00 am, Chinese, 11.00 am (AT) |
13 | Preaching, Air Jernih Presbyterian Church, Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu, 9.00 am (OCA) |
15 | Sunday Preaching, Shalom Fellowship, Kuantan, Pahang, 8.30 am (OCA, LO) Sunday Preaching, Diakonia Church (Chinese), Rawang, Selangor, 11.00 am (AT) |
22 | Sunday Preaching, Seremban Gospel Chapel, Negeri Sembilan, 8.30 am (OCA) |
29 | Sunday Preaching, Full Gospel Assembly, Selayang, Selangor, 10.00 am (OCA) |
December | |
6 | Sunday Preaching, SS Gospel Centre, Petaling Jaya, 9.00 am and 11.30 am (OCA) Sunday Preaching, First AOG Church (Chinese), Tapah, Perak, 10.00 am (AT) |
13 | Sunday Preaching, St. Francis Anglican Church, (Bahasa Malaysia), Sungai Buloh, Selangor, 10.00 am (AT) Sunday Preaching, Agape Chapel, Petaling Jaya, 10.00 am and Living Room, 5.00 pm (OCA) |
20 | Christmas Evangelistic Preaching, Shekinah Methodist Church, Sitiawan, Perak, 9.00 am (OCA) |
25 | Combined Christmas Evangelistic Preaching, St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Pengkalan, Ipoh, Perak, 9.30 am (OCA, LO) |
27 | Christmas Evangelistic Preaching, Melawati Gospel Centre (Chinese), Kuala Lumpur, 9.00 am (AT) |
OCA – Ooi Chin Aik, AT- Albert Tang, LO – Lydia Ooi
Respond Form :-
Malaysia and others countries
For Australia and Cook Islands
For New Zealand