Issue 56

Towards a Renewed Church

Hope ‘fills the air’ with a newly elected government after the 14th General Elections on 9 May 2018 in Malaysia. Hope for better governance, better management of resources, and better adherence to democratic principles of the separation of powers comprising the Legislature, the Judiciary, and the Executive. We pray and work towards the welfare of the rakyat (people) and for better tomorrows.   

What about the Church in Malaysia? Since the arrival of the Christian faith via the Portuguese in 1511, the Dutch in the 1641 and the English in 1786, we have by the grace of God grown to about 10% of 28 million, with the greater percentage of growth coming from Sarawak and Sabah.

We rejoice in a growing prayer momentum in Malaysia. We must remain vigilant.

The list of “Must Do” is lengthy. Below are three for prayer and practical action together:       

  1. The speediest evangelization and church planting in the interiors of Sarawak      and Sabah, and Peninsular Malaysia against competition from others. We         need collaborative efforts to speed on gospel work in the interiors of our              nation. (Mt. 28: 18-20)
  2. Reaching and discipling a new post-modern secular younger generation of Malaysians. Much thought in communications and methods are needed if we   do not want to be an aging and dwindling church. (1 Chron. 12: 32)
  3. The focused mentoring of a new generation of Christian leaders for our churches, Christian NGO’s, Theological institutions, and a global missionary       movement. God works through leaders and generational leadership     succession (2 Tim. 2.1-2; 4. 1-2, 5). 

True hope that blesses all peoples will ‘fill the air’ in our land and every other land as we attend to the needful: Prayer, Personal commitment for God’s Church and kingdom, and Participation in gospel advance locally, nationally, and globally.

So help us God!

Rural Chinese Modular Training (RCMT) 6

28 – 31 May 2018

Fellowship empowers rural  workers of the kingdom who often labour long and hard under lonely and inhospitable conditions.

This year, on 28-31 May 2018, MAP brought together some 10 rural Chinese evangelists: 8 from the Chinese New Villages of Peninsular Malaysia, and 2 from China, under RCMT 6 to encourage, equip and empower them for more effective Chinese outreach ministries and to train other leaders in a similar field of work.

The MAP training team comprises: Rev. Albert Tang, Ooi Chin Aik, Lydia Ooi, and Persis Lim (as worship leader).

Praise God for the enriching time of worship, fellowship and the topics covered in the training sessions:

  1. The Church under Pressure in the Majority World by Ooi Chin Aik
  2. The Urgency of Evangelism in the World Today by Ooi Chin Aik
  3. What is REAP? Logistics and Reporting by Albert Tang
  4. Personal Evangelism by Albert Tang.

Participants were given 10,000 copies of Chinese gospel tracts for distribution and 10 copies of “Spiritual Therapy” by Oswald Sanders translated into Chinese by Lydia Ooi.

The 2 REAP China evangelists will continue their training at the Malaysia Baptist Theological Seminary “School of Trans Cultural Mission (STCM)” for another 3 weeks in Penang. Within a 5 year period they will in turn train over 1,000 leaders in China. Praise the Lord! Below are some participants’ feedback:

Evangelist Rebecca Lai: “I give thanks unto God. With the MAP RCMT training, I was able to set aside my own busyness in ministry and be refreshed and further equipped. May God continue to bless MAP ministries”  

Evangelist Wang: “Thank you MAP for giving us the opportunity to be equipped. We are so grateful for the prayer, support, materials and training we received. We can also feel the burden that God has put in the ministries for lost souls. May God continue to use MAP to raise up and send more evangelists into His fields.”  

From left (Standing): Yeng,Phoebe, Pit Lig, Le, Wang, Noah.

Sitting from left: Persis, Albert, Chin Aik, Lydia, Sharon, Rebecca, Kuan Han.

Evangelist Phoebe receiving the gift books and tracts. 

Rev Albert Tang praying for the evangelists.

Bakke Graduate University Overture

17 May, 2018

MAP through its Founder and President Ooi Chin Aik is delighted and privileged to give a lecture to some 27 students and faculty members of the Bakke Graduate University (BGU) in Kuala Lumpur on 17 May 2018 under the theme: “Gospel Advance in the End Times.”

Participants represented at the BGU Overture came from Asia –Malaysia, Africa –Nigeria, Zimbabwe, and Ethiopia, Australia-Adelaide, United Sates of America, Canada, Europe – Hungary and the Caribbean – Jamaica. What a cross-culturally rich experience for all – lecturer, students and faculty members!

Adjunct Professor, Dr. Lim Kah Hooi from Malaysia gave his feedback on behalf of the participants:

“Thank you Chin Aik for the prophetic message for the nation of Malaysia and the Christian leaders in the country and beyond. The sessions were well received! Praise the Lord!”

Lecture on: “Gospel Advance in the End Times” to some 27 students and faculty from 9 different countries in Asia, Africa, Australia, Canada, United States, Europe, and the Caribbean at the Bakke Graduate University Overture on 17 May, 2018

Adjunct Professor Lim Kah Hooi of the Bakke Graduate University appreciating the lecture and prophetic insights from Pastor Ooi Chin Aik, Founder and President of Ministries for Asia Pacific (MAP).

Celebrating HOPE – Good Friday and Easter

The Christ event of over 2000 years ago is still remembered and celebrated today by Christians and churches worldwide because of the good news that it brings: the triumph that Christ wrought on the Cross on Good Friday in setting captives free from sin and hell, and the victorious conquest over death by His  resurrection.

Praise God for the invitation by Senior Pastor William Ng to spread the message of Hope and Joy through the Good Friday Retreat 2018 in Singapore with Bethany Emmanuel Church. Some 70 participants were taught the meaning of Christ’s victory at the Cross and had lively discussions on how to communicate the good news to others.

For Easter Sunday 2018, the MAP team of Pastor Ooi Chin Aik with Lydia Ooi as interpreter, conducted an Evangelism Seminar for over 250 at Petra Gospel Centre, Kuala Lumpur. Group discussions were lively and engaging as members sought to apply the message of Easter and discussed how to spread the good news of Joy and Hope to friends and neighbours.

Elder Liang Mung Yee gave his feedback:

“We are encouraged to continue the work of evangelism by the example of MAP through brother Chin Aik and sister Lydia.”

Good Friday Retreat with some 70 participants from Bethany Emmanuel Church, Singapore.

Elder Liang Mung Yee appreciating the Easter Evangelism Seminar speakers, Pastor Ooi Chin Aik and his wife Lydia Ooi at Petra Gospel Centre, Kuala Lumpur on Easter Sunday 2018.

Over 250 participants from the English and Chinese Assemblies of Petra Gospel Centre at the Easter Evangelism Seminar 2018


Bible Gifts for New Believers






As of July 2018, another 1000 bibles in Chinese have been sent to rural China for the new converts. Praise God for all who have contributed towards bible gifts for new rural Christians. Thank you.

The distribution of bibles as of July 2018 is as follows:

ConversionsBibles Given
Chinaover 63,00025,500
Sarawakover 24,0004,100
Sabahover 7,5001,100
Myanmarover 19,0001,000
India/Bhutan over 2,200300
Chinese New Villageover 1,300360
Orang Asliover 600500
Total 32,860


Much remains desired in terms of gifting new believers with the Word of God with over 130,000 conversions and only 32,860 bibles given for the work of grounding new Christians with God’s Word.

We plan to ship another 5000 bibles this year: 3000 bibles to rural China @Rm15, 1000 Bahasa Bibles to Sabah @Rm40, and 1000 Bahasa and Iban Bibles to Sarawak @ Rm28.

Keen to send Bibles as gifts to rural new believers? Send your gift to MAP Partners Berhad, 16-1, Jalan Ara SD7/3B, Bandar Sri Damansara, 52200 Kuala Lumpur or bank into our Public Bank Account: 3108884208 under MAP Partners Berhad. Please scan to us your bank in slip by email: Thank you. God bless.