What Profit Is There?
The limitation and fleeting nature of earthly life are obvious when one turns to obituary sections of the daily newspaper or the Word of God. “The length of our days is seventy years – or eighty, if we have the strength.” (Ps. 90.10) “What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.” (Jas. 4.14)
Yet, the Christian’s earthly life, albeit temporary and short in comparison to eternity, is to be lived in the promise of his Saviour and Lord, who at His first coming uttered these words of cheer and hope: “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” (Jn. 10.10)
The two unshakeable facts – the fact of a brief earthly life, and the fact of Christ – his coming, death, resurrection, ascension, and soon return, should focus every person (believers and unbelievers included!) for hopeful and wise living. The abundant and significant life in the now must be thoroughly Christ-centred and eternity driven.
As we approach this coming Advent season, and in anticipation of Christ’s soon return, let us take to heart in a fresh and resolute way the words of Jesus to his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it. What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? ……… For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father’s glory with his angels, and then he will reward each person according to what he has done.” (Mt. 16.24–27)
Praise be to God, who in Christ, brings hope and cheer to every living soul!
REAP Sarawak
~ a Second Training Centre Begun
On 16-19 June, 2012 a MAP Team of 6 comprising Ooi Chin Aik, Philip Soh, Foo Kai Seong, Colin Wong, Jock Emang and Jeffry Agong went to Miri, Sarawak to begin a second REAP training centre with 15 new REAP Sarawak evangelists, and added another 12 onto the support list, bringing the total to 58 REAP Sarawak evangelists.
REAP evangelists in the Miri Centre were given 1) 6500 copies of “The Four Spiritual Laws” in Bahasa Malaysia bringing the total to 21,750, 2) 20 copies of the “Master Plan of Evangelism” in Bahasa Malaysia and 50 copies of “Turning Faces Towards Heaven.” The team also preached on Sunday at the SIB Canada Hill Church and the Lutong Baru SIB Church, besides visiting and ministering to residents in the longhouses in Entulang.
Two of our newly supported REAP evangelists share their stories:

Jias Ak Nishun
“I am thankful to God for He has planned my salvation even when I was still in my mother’s womb. I am the only Christian in my family. After much prayers and intercession, my parents and siblings have come to know the Lord after 12 years.
I was very active in school during my Form 5 in ISCF. I thirst for God’s Word. Everyday I study and reflect on God’s Word. My burden is that more of my tribe will turn to God. At present a small percentage of the Selakau people are Christians.
After finishing Form 5, I went to work in Bintulu. My church sponsored me to study in STP Baduk Aru in Ba’kelalan after they found out my burden for the lost and my involvement in church work. I have been involved in various ministries from 1996 till now such as: evangelism, Sunday School, woman’s fellowship, kindergarten and preschool. I have ministered to the Selakau, Penan, Iban and others tribes in Ulu Baram, Kuching and Miri. Pray for receptiveness of the Iban people living in Entulang longhouses.”
Jias Ak Nishun

Balan Lawai
“Thank God for His mercy and patience. Before accepting Jesus, I was involved in drug and alcohol. I thanked God for saving me from all these bad and unhealthy habits. The preaching by the pastor and God’s Word touched me when I attended a Sunday service. God gave me a burden for peoples that have yet to hear the good news. I commit myself to serve Him and to bring as many lost souls into His kingdom as possible. Pray for open doors to reach the lost in Ulu Tinjar.”
Balan Lawai
To date the labours of the 46 REAP Sarawak evangelists saw over 10,000 evangelised, 4605 conversions and 2316 baptised. Pray and partner with us for the speediest evangelisation of the tribal peoples in Sarawak.

The 15 new REAP Sarawak Evangelists in training with Ooi Chin Aik and Philip Soh

MAP Prayer Coordinator for Sarawak, Pastor Jeffry Agong, ministering to one of the evangelists

Colin Wong, a volunteer from SS Gospel Centre, Petaling Jaya, using his fluency in Bahasa Malaysia to minister God’s Word.

Pastor Jock Emang, SIB REAP Coordinator for Sarawak, giving a token of appreciation to Ps. Ooi Chin Aik, the leader of the missions team.

The MAP team ministering to residents in a longhouse in Entulang.

One for the album – the first batch of 15 new REAP evangelists in the Miri centre with the MAP team.
MAP — A Triple Launch for the New Year
Come 16 January, 2013 MAP will gather over 150 national, church and missions leaders at its newly purchased premises at 16G, Jalan Ara SD3/7B, Bandar Sri Damansara, 52200 Kuala Lumpur to witness and celebrate a triple launch:
1) Dedication of the MAP New Building,
2) Dedication of the David Boler Lecture Hall, and
3) Launch of a New Book: “Final Reward in Paul’s Thoughts” by Ooi Chin Aik, with a Foreword by Dr. J.I. Packer.
The MAP New Building comprising 3 storeys will house: 1) The David Boler Lecture Hall (Ground Floor) to train REAP Evangelists, Christian leaders in church and marketplace, Senior Citizens for ministry, MAP Staff, etc. from 2013 onwards, 2) An increasing staff team of 20 in the 1st and 2nd Floor to support the vision of sending at least 1000 evangelists in Asia, the distribution of 5 million gospel tracts, and 50,000 bibles by 2020, and 3) The storage of Christian literature and bibles.
As of 15 October 2012, we have a total of RM1,334,462 inclusive of RM625,000 loans comprising RM125,000 interest free loans and RM500,000 fixed loan obtained from Public Bank Berhad against the required sum of RM1.6 million. We ask for your prayerful contributions to raise the required amount of RM265,538 and the loan repayment amount of RM625,000.
To each one who has contributed sacrificially, thank you. For those who have yet to respond, we ask you to prayerfully consider making a one-time generous contribution or provide an interest free loan as a gesture of practical fellowship in the gospel. Every gift, big or small, counts, so long as it is cheerfully given unto the Lord for His gospel advance. (2 Cor. 9.6-7)
Gifts can be made to: MAP Partners Berhad
1) Payment by cheque/bank draft/money order: Please make the cheque to MAP Partners Berhad and send it to MAP Partners Berhad, 16-1, Jalan Ara SD7/3B, Bandar Sri Damansara, 52200, Kuala Lumpur.
2) Payment by online banking: You may also bank in directly/telegraphic transfer/bank standing instructions for credit to MAP Bank Current Account: –
Public Bank Berhad
SS2 Branch
Account No: 3108884208
Remember to indicate your name while doing the online transfer “From John for B/Fund”
3) For partners in Australia: Payment by cheque/bank draft/money order: Please make the cheque to MAP Partners (Aust) Inc. and send it to MAP Partners (Aust) Inc. Evangelical Community Church, 19-23 Holland Road, Blackburn South Victoria 3130. Contact person: How Yit Meng. Mobile Phone: 0422 456 812.
4) Or, you can bank in directly/telegraphic transfer/bank standing instructions for credit to MAP Aust. Inc. Current Account:-
BSB number: 013 225
Account Number: 1980 29684
ANZ Banking Group Ltd.
10, Main Street, Boxhill, VIC
Together, we can advance Christ’s gospel much further. Be blessed as you bless His Name.
MAP Welcomes A New Associate Evangelist
Colin Wong joins MAP as an honorary Associate Evangelist effective 10 October, 2012.
A gifted speaker in both English and Bahasa Malaysia, Colin is passionate about God’s Word, Christ’s gospel and missions. After graduating with a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Queensland, Australia, he worked for several years in Group Strategy and Business Development and is currently a Group Internal Auditor with UEM Group Berhad.
Colin is actively involved in evangelistic preaching at youth camps, churches, and missions to the tribal peoples of Peninsular Malaysia,Sabah and Sarawak.
warmly welcome Colin Wong onto the MAP team and anticipate greater works done for the glory of God as we fellowship in the gospel. Godspeed brother!
Colin is married to Guat Eu and they worship at SS Gospel Centre, Petaling Jaya. He can be reached for speaking engagements at: Mobile: 012-393 9467, Email: colinwong@rocketmail.com.