Christ is Risen Indeed!

In our sad, broken, hopeless and spiritually lost world, the good news that Christ has come for the fullness of life (John 10:10), has died for our sins to give us eternal life (John 3:16), and is risen from the grave to give us hope beyond death (1 Cor. 15), needs to reach every human being on earth.
An estimated 2/3 of our world of over 7 billion have not come to Christ. An estimated 3 billion in the rurals of Asia have not received the good news.
We need to focus on sharing the gospel ourselves and multiply the sending out of workers of the kingdom to sow and reap especially amongst those who have never heard.
We need to pray, partner and double our efforts in reaching the lost. God will honour His gospel shared and Word sent out to accomplish His purposes. (Is. 55:11; Rom. 1:16)
The responsibility is ours, the results are His!

Christmas 2022 Evangelistic Preaching
We can count on God’s unshakable promise that He will honour His own Word and gospel whenever and wherever it is sent out to achieve His purposes. (Is. 55:11; Rom 1:16)

This Christmas 2022, we witness just that! The Christmas evangelistic preaching of Dr. Ooi Chin Aik with an altar call for salvations saw 10 salvations at Cornerstone Immanuel Church on 25th December morning 2022. Pray for good follow up for the new converts and for the seed of the gospel sown amongst non-believers that there will be a harvest in God’s time.

Praise God for over 200 attendees, including families, children and seniors. Pray that as members are inspired by the “good news of great joy” many more will share with neighbours and friends the message of hope and love.
We give thanks to God for all the local churches in partnership with our MAP evangelists in Christmas gospel preaching. Praise be to God for the harvest and seeds sown!
REAP in Many Many Lands (RMML)

Since the launch of REAP China in 2006 with the first 16 REAP evangelists, MAP has expanded the work of REAP in 13 countries of Asia with priority fields being the tribals of Malaysia, Myanmar and China. Here is the update:
Over 425 REAP evangelists supported,
Over 6.15 million received the gospel,
Over 211,000 conversions to Christ,
Over 2,150 churches planted in the rural areas, and
Over 54,100 Bibles given to the new converts.
We need more support to send rural evangelists in Asia to sow and reap amongst the estimated 3 billion who have never heard the good news. To support one evangelist is RM200 per month or RM2,400 per year / AUD960 per year.
We need to send more Bibles as gifts to the new converts for discipleship. Each Bible costs between RM15 to RM25.
Keen to partner in gospel advance?
Contact for Malaysia: Rev. Albert Tang / Janni 03- 6276 7510
Contact for Australia: Mr. How Yit Meng +61 422 456812
REAP Chinese New Village (CNV) Work in Progress
Rev. Albert Tang our MAP Senior Associate Evangelist visited and ministered to over 60 members of St. Philip’s (Anglican) Church, Sungai Siput, Perak on 14/8/2022 and gave 20 Chinese Bibles to the new converts.
Praise God that as of April 2023, we are supporting 9 CNV evangelists and have seen:
Over 141,000 given the gospel,
Over 1,950 conversions to Christ,
Over 14 churches planted, and
Over 660 Bibles given to the new converts.
Below are some responses:
“It is hard to get Bibles at our place; we need to travel to Ipoh city in order to buy some. We can see that the new converts are receiving the Bibles with overwhelming joy. We welcome you to visit us more often.”
Pastor Yue
“I am so glad to hear the message from a pastor in KL. Thank you also for the Bibles. I will read and meditate on His Word daily.”
Sister Yang, a new convert

Diploma of Evangelism Leadership (Dip. EL) on 24-25 March, 2023

MAP launched the 1st module of the Diploma in Evangelism Leadership on 24th – 25th March 2023 with 11 participants from across the country and denominations. The course aims to equip workers of the kingdom for effective evangelism, discipleship, and leadership roles in the church and marketplace. All the lecturers engaged in the course are content experts with relevant field expertise on the subject matter to ensure real and practical experience sharing and to develop a network of fellowship between the lecturers and the participants. The first module of the course focuses on a matter dear to the heart of many churches: Engaging and Discipling the Millennials, as detailed below.

Mr. William Chang started the course by engaging the class to think about starting and growing a sports evangelism ministry to harness the power of sport to build a bridge to the youth in our community and to have a chance to influence their lifestyles for God’s glory.

As the first class is about getting to the youth in our community, the following lecture by Mr. Steven Yam is about keeping them in the church. The talk focused on understanding the Millennials, debunking the caricatures, and engaging them in the service of God’s kingdom effectively.

Rev. Kenneth Chin from the ACTS Church shared the need to grow the Millenials as the next generation of disciples by journeying with them and growing with them to heed the call and the mission of God. Rev. Kenneth Chin detailed how ACTS Church grew to be a church-planting movement with 13 churches in Malaysia and many other countries because of the steps he revealed to the participants in discipling and preparing the next generation to do great things for God’s kingdom.

The course closed with a lecture from Dr. Ooi Chin Aik, who recaptured the Christian ministry’s core: God must be at the centre of it. Dr. Ooi journeyed through the Early Church and the current revivals with the participants to prove that God is still making waves with the Church as long as the Church continues to engage in spiritual empowerment through prayer and obedience to the Word of God.
The course evaluation and feedback are rather encouraging, and through the interactions with the participants, they expressed that they enjoyed the lectures and were inspired to expand God’s kingdom. The course received a 100% rating from the participants that they will recommend this course to others and left some very encouraging comments for the two-day course in the feedback form as follows:
“Excellent speakers.”
“Every lecturer has real-life experiences.”
“The inspiring sharing of men of God who are committed to the kingdom work.”
“It’s a new milestone again from different people, different capabilities for the sake of His glory. It’s really inspiring, and I feel “very warm” and meaningful both spiritually and physically, as well as I love the overall events.”
The 2nd Module will commence on the 16th – 17th of June 2023, and the course is still open for registration. Contact Steven Yam ( or at 012-2898640) if you are interested in joining this programme either in part or in full.
Finishing Well:
Workshop for Christian Leaders and Seniors
Research by Professor of Leadership, Dr. Robert Clinton, showed that more than two-thirds of God’s leaders in the Bible do not finish well.
To finish well as Christian leaders and seniors, we have to take care of the foundational givens of personal safety and health so long as we are in the body before re-orientating our focus in serving God with impact in our senior years. God will judge each believer according to works done while in the body (2 Cor. 5:10; Rom. 14:10; 1 Cor. 3:12-14) and reward each one who has finished well. (2 Tim. 4:7-8).
The speaker, Dr. Ooi Chin Aik, will share insights and practical applications as a practising senior believer for over 55 years and as an International Minister of Evangelism and Teaching in Asia-Pacific and beyond, for over 35 years.
Facing new health challenges following a brain surgery in 2023, Chin Aik will share on God’s part and our part in maintaining good health to finish well for His glory. More time will be devoted to the spiritual aspects of support and accountability against falling prey to the temptations of money, sex, and power, and to harnessing one’s gifts, experience and resources to finish well. There will be time for questions and answers and prayers for breakthroughs.
Contact: Dr. Ooi Chin Aik
017- 6011 089