MAP Australia – 10 Years of Gospel Advance
340 strong from over 20 different churches and organizations met to commemorate MAP Australia 10th Anniversary on 18th August, 2011 at the Gold Leaf Restaurant, Springvale, Melbourne.
The evening began with corporate praise and worship led by Pastor Joseph Cheong from ECC BoxHill, an opening prayer by Pastor Leong Seng Yap, Chairman of MAP, before the crowd went into a sumptuous 8-course dinner. Ably emceed by Pastor Joshua from ACF Rowville, the gathering witnessed: “MAP-10 years in 10 Nations” - a DVD presentation, before Lydia Ooi gave a stirring song presentation of the “Back to Jerusalem” theme song in Chinese.
Ooi Chin Aik, Founder and President of MAP, gave the keynote address on: “The Challenges of the Next Decade.” Duncan Chua rendered a gospel song in English in between lots and lots of fellowship and eating. The evening concluded with the presentation of MAP 10th Anniversary appreciation souvenirs for Council Members and Staff, and a benediction by Rev. Dr. Ang Woo York, Vice-Chairman of MAP Australia.
The collection for the MAP Building Fund amounted to AUD16,776.
A hearty thank you to James Chua, MAP Treasurer and Chairman of the MAP 10th Anniversary Dinner, and the host of volunteers from across the churches – recruiting and planning for the dinner, helping in the book sales, ushers, musicians, PA technicians, photographers etc. Without your support, we could not have hosted such a big event.
Some feedback on the evening include:
“A fabulous and fantastic night of fellowship with other believers and advancing God’s kingdom together. It was a great pleasure to be part of it.”
Pastor Glenn Koh,
SonLifeCommunityChurch, Melbourne.
“Celebrating God’s faithfulness through a decade of MAP ministry is meaningful and
exhilarating experience for me. The 340 in attendance from so many churches is an indication of God’s people acknowledging the urgent need of the hour to proclaim the gospel.
I sense the atmosphere of warm Christian fellowship and the joy of thanksgiving in worship. Lydia Ooi’s inspirational song item gave us the impetus to march on with the glorious gospel. Pastor Ooi’s clear presentation of the work of MAP encouraged us to consider supporting indigenous evangelists under Rural Evangelist Adoption Programme (REAP).
I was privileged to be seated with other missionaries and gained some insights from their vast experience.”
Pastor Peter Lam.
District Evangelist,
WesleyanChurches, Melbourne.
“The food was good. The video update is a good idea. We appreciate your personal invitation, the interaction and catching up with other Christians.”
Michael Loke,
Elder of CityLifeChurch, Melbourne.
Everyone at the dinner was given an autographed souvenir copy of: “Turning Faces Towards Heaven” by the author, Ooi Chin Aik. For those keen on purchasing the book, kindly contact: Mr. Bernard Saw at:
ECCI Court Street,
14, Court Street, BoxHill,
Vic 3128
Phone: 03-9890 9393
Soft cover: AUD15 per copy, Hardcover: AUD25 per copy.
To help meet the challenges of the next decade, MAP Australia has increased the representation of members on its Council of Reference from 7 to 10. We welcome the following as new members to MAP Australia Council of Reference effective September 2011:
- Pastor Glenn Koh – SonLifeCommunityChurch.
- Pastor Peter Lam – WesleyanChurches, Melbourne
- Mr. Michael Loke – Elder of CityLifeChurch, Melbourne

Pastor Leong Seng Yap, Chairman of MAP Australia, leading the 340 strong in the opening prayer.

Lydia Ooi, stirring the crowd to march on to the ends of the earth with the gospel, through her rendition of the “Back To Jerusalem” theme song in Chinese.

Dr. Michael Wong from SonLife Community Church (left), sponsored a table and invited some new people for the dinner in support of MAP ministry.

Rev. Dr. Ang Woo York, Vice-Chairman of MAP and Senior Pastor of ECCI, and his wife Dr. Ang Hai Leng―dear friends and staunch supporters of MAP since day one! We thank God for their spirited service in the gospel.

Ooi Chin Aik, author of: “Turning Faces Towards Heaven”, signing a copy for Pastor Jeremy Wong, Secretary of MAP Australia, and his wife Carol.

It is good to catch up again!
Left to right: Susie U, Lee Bee Hua, Lydia Ooi and Ong Poh Lee.

Florence Neoh (left) from SonLife Community Church, sharing some light moments with Siew Lan (right) from ECCI Court Street.
In Appreciation: MAP 10th Anniversary Service Awards
[Please click to enlarge for the below photos]

Pastor Ooi Chin Aik, Founder and President of MAP, and Lydia Ooi, Honorary Associate Staff, MAP Australia.

Pastor Glenn Koh, Honorary Associate Evangelist of MAP Australia, SonLife Community Church, Melbourne.

Pastor CG Teh (represented by Pastor Jeremy Wong), Honorary Associate Staff of MAP
Thank you everyone – supporters and volunteers, for making the evening a huge success. To God be the glory!
REAP ~ Crossing New Frontiers

Sabah Sidang Injil Borneo(SIB) President, Rev. Jerry Dusing receiving a gift book : “Turning Faces Towards Heaven”, from the author , Ooi Chin Aik, as SIB Sabah and MAP enters into a partnership on 17 September 2011 to launch REAP Sabah effective 2012.
REAP, launched in April 2006 with the first 16 evangelists, is today over 250 evangelists in 9 countries ofAsia.
In 2012, REAP will be crossing new frontiers in Sabah, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam. Rev. Jerry Dusing, SIB President for Sabah, writes:
“I look forward to and welcome MAP to partner with SIB Sabah to the work of REAP Sabah. This timely partnership will be a great blessing and encouragement for us here to accelerate the work of God in rural Sabah.
There is growing concern that rural youths and in particular, children of pre-school level, are being subject to other doctrines through the present education policies. SIB Sabah has since 2009 registered more than 15 Tadika with the Government with the aim the early Christian education will establish and preserve their faith in God in time to come.
Pray with us these children will not depart from God, and for more Christian pre-schools to be registered and successfully operating throughout Sabah.
Pray for our rural evangelists that they will be open to new moves and approaches to win people for Christ and lead them towards maturity.”
MAP will launch REAP Sabah in May 2012. It costs RM200 to support a REAP evangelist in partnership with the local church. (see attached REAP Response Form) An individual, a family, a cell group, a fellowship, a church etc. can get involved.
The Bible promises in 2 Cor. 9. 6: “Remember this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.”
Pray for us as we raise the support, train and help send at least 1000 REAP evangelists by the end of the decade.
MAP New Building – To Facilitate Greater Gospel Advance

MAP Building
Ministries for Asia Pacific (MAP) has grown from 2 evangelists in Malaysia to over 250 evangelists serving the advance of the gospel in 10 nations of Asia Pacific. Over 1 million gospel tracts are being distributed, over 25,000 came to Christ, over 7700 baptized and 6000 Chinese bibles given to new believers, besides thousands of leaders trained. This decade we want to dream bigger dreams for God: sending at least 1000 REAP evangelists into 20 countries of Asia, distributing at least 5 million gospel tracts and 50,000 bibles, and training evangelism leaders for greater impact in Asia Pacific and beyond.
We will need space for increased staff to support the vision, training facilities, and storage for Christian literature and bibles.
The Directors of MAP Partners Berhad, Malaysia, has committed MAP to the purchase of our present rented premises (1st Floor) of 3 floors at 16, Jalan Ara SD7/3B, Bandar Sri Damansara, and 52200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, at RM1.25 million. The cost of renovation is estimated at RM300,000. The total amount needed with stamp duty included is about RM1.6 million.
As of September 2011, MAP has RM430,000 for the Building Fund. We expect to take possession of the said premises by April 2012.
We ask that you prayerfully consider making a one-time generous contribution as a gesture of practical fellowship in the gospel. Every gift, big or small, counts, so long as it is cheerfully given unto the Lord for His gospel advance. (2 Cor. 9. 6-7)
Gifts can be made to: MAP Partners Berhad
1) Payment by online banking: You may also bank in directly/telegraphic transfer/bank standing instructions for credit to MAP Bank Current Account: –
Public Bank Berhad
SS2 Branch
Account No: 3108884208
Remember to indicate your name while doing the online transfer and earmark it as “B/Fund” so that we know who is it from. Eg. “From John Doe for B/Fund”
2) Payment by cheque/bank draft/money order: Please make the cheque to MAP Partners Berhad and send it to MAP Partners Berhad, 16-1, Jalan Ara SD7/3B, Bandar Sri Damansara, 52200, Kuala Lumpur.
Together, we can advance His gospel much further. Thank you for prayers and continued support.

Left to Right: Foo Kai Seong, Ooi Chin Aik, Lydia Ooi, Persis Lim, Albert Tang, Peter Tan, Audrey Tan, Jan Ni, Philip Soh
Members of the MAP staff and family gathered for the 8th MAP Staff Retreat at Genting Permai Resort, Pahang on October 7-8, 2011 under the theme: “Gospel Advance Towards The Next Level.”
We have come for a time of fellowship and thanksgiving as we celebrate God’s goodness in gospel advance in the last 10 years. At the same time, we look ahead to meet the challenges of a new decade. We affirm our shared values for MAP to move ahead: 1) We are faith-based, 2) We are action oriented, 3) We are prayer driven, 4) We work as a team, and 5) We are at heart evangelistic.
Feedback from the MAP family include:
“As Chin Aik shared the vision for the next decade, my mind says, “This will be hard.” Later, God challenged me to pray, expect great things from Him and attempt great things for Him.”
Albert Tang – Associate Evangelist,
Chinese Ministries.
“It’s a treat — a retreat and a real treat. We have done well by His grace in the last 10 years. The next 10 years are in His hands.”
Philip Soh – Associate Evangelist,
OA and Tribal Peoples.
“In keeping with the Retreat Theme: Gospel Advance Towards The Next Level, we need to pursue the ‘Values of MAP’ faithfully and diligently to realize the vision.”
Low Jan Ni – Assistant Administrator.
“The cool air of Genting is always refreshing. By FAITH — the values of MAP: Faith, Action, Intercession, Teamwork and Heart for evangelism, we look towards the next decade.”
Foo Kai Seong – Associate Staff,
IT and REAP Ministries.
“A nice time together as a team. I felt the urgency to pray for the nations and the lost. Trust God will be pleased with the values of MAP — “FAITH” and take the ministry further.”
Lydia Ooi – Honorary Associate Staff,
Chinese Ministries.
“We had a refreshing time together as the ‘family of MAP’, renewing our partnership for the gospel of Jesus Christ.”
Peter Tan – Treasurer of MAP,
Audrey Tan – Administrator and Accountant.