Zeal for Greatness
What in your view constitute ‘greatness’? For some it is fame. For others it is fortune. Alexander The Great inherited the title ‘The Great’ for his conquest of vast territories. What about us as the people of God?
Amos, one of God’s servants, was a sheep-breeder (Am. 1.1; 7.14) and a sycamore-fig cultivator (Am. 7.14) who affirmed that he was “neither a prophet nor a prophet’s son”. (Am. 7.14) Yet God Almighty called him and gifted him to be His spokesman to pronounce judgment against Israel and the surrounding nations. He spoke for God. He did God’s thing in God’s time.
Martin Luther King Jr. suggests that, “Everyone has the power for greatness, not for fame but greatness, because greatness is determined by service.” If so, we should be focusing on service for God and His glory all the days of our life. We should aspire to live out God’s purpose in service – speaking for Him, going for Him, giving for Him, building for Him etc…
Our world, on October 31st 2010, reached its 7 billion mark. More mouths to feed and more souls to be reached for Christ. May we as God’s people never tire in ministering to the physical and spiritual needs of a waiting world. Let us encourage, provoke each other for greatness in service. Let us resolve to make our lives count by dedicating all the resources at our disposal to the glory of God and the furtherance of His kingdom.
Is there a greater and more noble purpose?
We Preach Christ
God’s Word will not return to Him empty but accomplish the purpose for which He sent it (Is. 55.11) Paul the Evangelist says, “We preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.” (1 Cor. 1.23 – 24)
With these twin convictions, the MAP team of evangelists and preachers have confirmed and continue to confirm the truths and results of preaching Christ. We thank you for your prayers and support as we faithfully proclaim His Word and Christ. We share with you below some of the fruits of evangelistic preaching and labours in Malaysia and the vast fields of China. All glory to God!

Evangelist Ooi Chin Aik speaking at the Pre-Evangelistic Christmas Sunday at Metro Tabernacle Assembly of God Church, Selangor on 11 December, 2011.

Evangelist Philip Soh preaching at the Combined Villages Orang Asli meeting on 16 September, 2011.

The baptism of 10 Orang Asli converts after a series of revival meetings.

Evangelist Albert Tang preaching the gospel with a good response for salvation at the Christmas Evangelistic Meeting at FGA Batu Pahat, Johor on 24 December, 2011.

Evangelist Ooi Chin Aik giving the altar call at the Christmas Evangelistic Preaching in SIB Kuala Lumpur on 18 December, 2011. Praise God for the many salvations. Pray for the follow-up work
REAP Chinese New Village

Evangelist Lee, Pantai Revival Centre, Perak
“I am so grateful that God brought you as a partner in the spread of His gospel in Chinese New Villages.
With your support, we have begun several new mission fields namely: Tanjung Piandang, Kuala Gula, and Panchor. All these fishing Chinese New Villages are not receptive to the gospel. They usually mock the new believers. It is not easy to share the gospel here unless we persevere.
Usually we try to make friends with the non-believers by doing community work. Once the people have warmed up to us, then only we will talk about Jesus to them. Your prayers and financial help are blessings to us. Thank you and may God bless you.
God has been encouraging us along the way. One day we went to Pasar Malam (Night Market) in our place to distribute gospel tracts. We managed to share the gospel with a store owner and he accepted Christ. Later we started a cell group meeting in his house. All glory to God!”
Evangelist Lee, Pantai Revival Centre, Perak

Evangelist Tin, Chinese Methodist Church, Bahau, Negeri Sembilan
“In my door to door evangelism, there was a paralysed elderly man in BahauVillage. After I got to know him, I prayed for his legs to heal. After two weeks, he was able to walk and gave thanks to our God. Hallelujah!”
Evangelist Tin, ChineseMethodistChurch, Bahau, Negeri Sembilan

Evangelist Phoebe, Gereja Charis, Coldstream, Bidor, Perak
“A youth in Coldstream village worked as a lorry assistant but could not hold on to the job as he always vomits whenever he travels on the lorry. After I prayed for him, God healed him but he did not believe the healing was from God. The next day, he vomited badly throughout the whole journey. Later, I taught him how to pray by himself, calling on Jesus’ name. His prayer worked! He is totally free from vomiting when he travels now. Currently, he attends our church regularly. Praise the Lord!”
Evangelist Phoebe, Gereja Charis, Coldstream, Bidor, Perak
REAP Sarawak
Since the launch of REAP Sarawak in Kuching on July 2009, we have trained, supported and sent 46 REAP Sarawak evangelists to reach the tribal peoples there. As of June 2011, the labour of the 46 evangelists saw:
4601 evangelised
1974 conversions
744 baptised and
15250 gospel tracts distributed.

Signing of the MoU between SIB Sarawak and MAP Partners Berhad on 21 November, 2011.
(Left to Right: Rev. Peter P. Mutang- SIB President, Sarawak, Ps. Ooi Chin Aik – MAP Founder and President, Elder Peter Tan Jin Hooi – MAP Board of Director, acting as a witness.)
A new centre for training REAP Sarawak evangelists will be launched in Miri on June 17 -19, 2012 with 9 new evangelists added onto the support list, bringing the total to 55 REAP evangelists. We are targeting 150 by 2020.
Thank you prayer partners and supporters for speeding on the work of the gospel in Sarawak.
Thank you SIB Sarawak for formalising the partnership with MAP through the signing of a MoU on 21 November 2011.
With God’s help, we will finish the task of evangelising the tribals of Sarawak by 2020. To God be the glory!
REAP Sabah
Launching on 29 March – 1 April, 2012.
REAP Sabah represents MAP’s 4th REAP Priority Field after China, Sarawak, and Chinese New Villages of Peninsular Malaysia.
At the invitation of SIB President of Sabah, Rev. Jerry Dusing, MAP will launch the training of the first batch of 12 REAP Sabah evangelists in Ranau, Sabah on 29 March – 1 April, 2012. SIB President, Rev. Jerry Dusing, writes:
“I look forward to and welcome MAP to partner with SIB Sabah to the work of REAP Sabah. This timely partnership will be a great blessing and encouragement for us here to accelerate the work of God in rural Sabah. Pray for our rural evangelists that they will be open to new moves and approaches to win people for Christ and lead them towards maturity.”
Keen to partner in the speedier evangelisation of rural Sabah?
It costs RM200 per month to support a REAP evangelist in partnership with the local church. (See attached REAP Response Form) An individual, a family, a cell group, a fellowship, a church etc. can get involved.
The Bible promises in 2 Cor. 9.6: “Remember this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.”
MAP New Building Update

MAP New Building
As of 3 February, 2012 we have a total of RM762, 885 inclusive of Rm125, 000 of interest free loans against the required sum of RM1.6 million.We will take possession of the building by April 2012. Renovations will begin in September 2012 and completed by December 2012.The MAP New building will house:
1) An increasing staff team to support the vision of sending at least 1000 evangelists in Asia and the distribution of 5 million gospel tracts and 50,000 bibles,
2) A lecture hall to train REAP Evangelists and Christian leaders in church and marketplace in Evangelism Leadership from 2013 onwards and
3) The storage of Christian literature and bibles.
To each one who has contributed sacrificially, thank you. For those who have yet to respond, we ask you to prayerfully consider making a one-time generous contribution or provide an interest free loan as a gesture of practical fellowship in the gospel. Every gift, big or small, counts, so long as it is cheerfully given unto the Lord for His gospel advance. (2 Cor. 9. 6-7)
Gifts can be made to: MAP Partners Berhad
1) Payment by cheque/bank draft/money order: Please make the cheque to MAP Partners Berhad and send it to MAP Partners Berhad, 16-1, Jalan Ara SD7/3B, Bandar Sri Damansara, 52200, Kuala Lumpur.
2) Payment by online banking: You may also bank in directly/telegraphic transfer/bank standing instructions for credit to MAP Bank Current Account: –
Public Bank Berhad
SS2 Branch
Account No: 3108884208
Remember to indicate your name while doing the online transfer and earmark it as “B/Fund” so that we know who is it from. Eg. “From John Doe for B/Fund”
3) For partners in Australia: Payment by cheque/bank draft/money order: Please make the cheque to MAP Partners (Aust) Inc. and send it to MAP Partners (Aust) Inc. Evangelical Community Church, 19-23 Holland Road, Blackburn South Victoria 3130. Contact person: How Yit Meng. Mobile Phone: 0422 456 812.
4) Or, you can bank in directly/telegraphic transfer/bank standing instructions for credit to MAP Aust. Inc. Current Account:-
BSB number: 013 225
Account Number: 1980 29684
ANZ Banking Group Ltd.
10, Main Street, Boxhill, VIC
Together, we can advance His gospel much further. Thank you for prayers and continued support.