Dreams for Gospel Advance
At the MAP Triple Launch held on 16th January, 2013, I shared on the vision and purpose of a MAP New Building to the 150 strong leaders and supporters from a wide spectrum of the Christian and evangelical community in Malaysia.
We, at MAP, have dreams for gospel advance. The acquisition of a new building will facilitate the translation of gospel dreams into reality.
- Sending and supporting at least 1000 REAP evangelists into the harvest in Asia Pacific by 2020 would require more staff support and office space. With the MAP New Building it is now possible. The 1st and 2nd Floor will be used for housing the staff.
- Catalysing a Lateral Gospel Movement in Malaysia and beyond would require involving strategic segments of the Church and society at large. We begin in 2013 by:
– Bringing REAP Chinese New Village Evangelists strewn all over Peninsular Malaysia
to this training centre for equipping, networking, and learning together.
– Starting a Senior Citizen’s Ministry Programme for strategic Senior Citizens’
Outreach even as the country fast approaches the aging population country
status by 2023.
The Star, Saturday 25 February, 2012, p. 30 reports:
“Malaysia is expected to become an aged country by the year 2023, where more
than 12% of the population consists of those aged 60 years and above. This
would increase to 15% by 2030.”
That many more Malaysian are living longer – the average lifespan is now over 75
years, means that many more can still be reached with the gospel of Christ. We
need to “re-fire” our seniors and dissuade them from just hanging around and
waiting to go to heaven!
- Equipping the next, emerging younger generation of gospel leaders – be it for church or marketplace, would require senior, cutting-edge evangelism leaders and practitioners to team teach in order to inspire, instruct and impact the younger leaders to run passionately for the gospel. (cf. 2 Timothy 2. 2)
These and many more, as the context changes and unfolds, will be included into the “Equipping Tracks” under the MAP Evangelism Leadership Institute. The Ground Floor, dedicated as The David Boler Lecture Hall, will facilitate the dream of “Training and Catalysing Lateral Gospel Movements” in Malaysia and beyond.
Brothers and sisters, we can only do so with your continued prayers and support. We look to God and to each one of you as we attempt greater things for God and for the furtherance of His gospel.
The Lord bless you, your family, your church and your ministry.
MAP Triple Launch
16th January 2013
They came to witness God’s faithfulness and goodness. 150 strong from across Malaysia – senior leaders of the Christian community, pastors, evangelists, Christians Organisation leaders, friends and supporters of MAP, for the historic MAP Triple Launch. The drizzle that evening only served to provide a cooler ambience and signal God’s showers of blessings for his servants.
We present below a photographic journey of the momentous event with greetings, speeches, prayers etc. as delivered (edited for length) to give readers the sense that you were here wih us. Here goes:The theme of the Triple Launch is, “Thanksgiving for God’s Great Faithfulness” as reflected on the programme cover. “His compassions fail not. They are new every morning, great is thy faithfulness.” (Lamentations 3.22-23)
Please click on the photo below to enlarge.

The smile on Andrew Ng, a great friend and supporter of MAP, says a lot about the food served that evening.

Pastors and leaders from Penang, Selangor and Sarawak having a good fellowship session at the dinner table.

Come on and celebrate! Let’s give thanks unto the Lord. For He is good and His mercies endure forever!

It is time for “Praise and Worship!” The Impressions: Ritchie Tay (guitarist), Jackie Looi (keyboardist) and Rachel (violinist) led the crowd in a spirited time of worship, ending with the fitting finale: “Great is Thy Faithfulness.”

Rev Eu Hong Seng, NECF Chairman, CFM Vice-Chairman and Senior Pastor of Full Gospel Tabernacle, Petaling Jaya, sent greetings from the Christian community in Malaysia and led in the Opening Prayer.
“Good evening everybody. On behalf of NECF and CFM and the Christian community as well, we want to say to Chin Aik and the team here, how happy we are to be here for the launching of this building, to honour Mr. David Boler, and also for the launch of the book. I can honestly say we are with you and together we want to advance the gospel. Let us pray.”
“Father, today we bow our heads as sinners saved by grace. We are here because we want to do the best for the gospel. We believe in the Church, we believe in the gospel, and we believe in your goodness. We thank you for the showers outside because it reminds us that with you, there will always be showers of blessings. Father, we commit this time to you. We pray that indeed your presence will be here and your name will be glorified. We pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

Peter Tan, MAP Board of Director and elder of Agape Chapel, giving a word of welcome to pastors, evangelists, Christian leaders, friends and supporters of MAP from near and far.
Peter Tan, emcee for the evening, next read out the greetings from the MAP International Council of Reference from United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and Singapore. We reproduce for you the greetings as read.
“It has been a great privilege for us in Barnabas Fund to contribute to the wonderful ministry of MAP in a number of ways. We rejoice to hear that the vision for the new MAP building has finally come to fruition and we praise God for the leadership, perseverance, faith and courage of our dear brother Chin Aik supported in everything by Lydia. Perhaps what the Lord had laid on his heart may have seemed to Chin Aik at the beginning almost an impossibility, but our Lord delights to do the impossible, to strengthen our faith and glorify His Name as we see His Hand at work. I pray that we may all be encouraged by what our great God has achieved and that this building may be used for His purposes and to grow His Kingdom for many, many years to come.”
Dr. Patrick Sookhdeo,
MAP International Council of Reference member, United Kingdom, International Director, Barnabas Fund
“I am writing to wish you every blessing as you celebrate the extension of the ministry of MAP! I am thrilled to see the way this strategic ministry has developed over the years and pray that this extension of the ministry will represent a great leap forward for the Kingdom of God in Asia.
I am sure that the launch of the new building to house the vital work in which MAP is engaged and the opening of the David Boler Lecture Hall, and Ooi Chin Aik’s second book will all enhance the ministry of
Dr. W. Ward Gasque
MAP International Council of Reference member, Canada
Co-founder of Regent College,
Vancouver, BC, Canada
“The new MAP building stands as a testimony of the goodness and faithfulness of God. It also testifies to the spirit of partnership and generosity of all those who share the same heart and vision for evangelism with MAP.
The launching of the second book by Chin Aik is a fruit of his love for the truth of God and his willingness to pay the price for the revelation–seeking His face, studying and meditating on His Word.
For a work well done, we say praise the Lord and congratulations!”
Dr. Leong Seng Yap
Chairman of MAP Australia Council of Reference
and Pastor of Australia for Christ Fellowship, Melbourne
“Congratulations to MAP partners from all of us here in the Bible Society of Singapore. Bible work started in Singapore and went up north across the causeway but we do not have such a dynamic organization in Singapore as MAP Partners in spreading God’s Word around Asia and Australasia.
Thank God for persons like Chin Aik who has inspired me since our seminary days in Vancouver with his vision and capacity for hard work to persevere and proclaim the Gospel. May there arise many more like him to bring the world back to God who alone can meet our deepest aspirations.”
Dr. Lee Soo Ann
MAP International Council of Reference member,
and President of Bible Society of Singapore

A video presentation followed highlighting, “MAP in Gospel Advance” – summarizing the fruits of gospel work in 10 countries of Asia in the past decade and the new challenges in gospel advance this decade. We give God all the glory for past achievements even as we look to Him for more.

Pastor Ong Hock Huat, Senior Pastor of Full Gospel Assembly, Ipoh, Perak, and MAP Council of Reference, led the gathering in a “Thanksgiving Prayer”.
“This is a very special day for MAP and there is every reason for us to thank God for what he has done. Let’s pray.”
“Father, we thank you for MAP for all that has been done. It has a humble beginning starting from one man whom you have given the vision and how this has developed through the Holy Spirit working through your servants and drawing others to stand with him.
We thank you for the many REAP evangelists raised within our country, raised in China and raised in other places in Asia Pacific.
Lord, we pray for the Holy Spirit to continue the good work through this organization and that your Name will be glorified and the gospel will be taken to the ends of the world. We thank you that this organisation exists for such a time as this. We give thanks in Jesus’ name.”

Pastor Ooi Chin Aik
Pastor Ooi Chin Aik, Founder and President of MAP presented the vision and purpose of the MAP New Building (see editorial) followed by Elder Wong Chong Wah from SS Gospel Centre, Petaling Jaya, who dedicated the MAP New Building to the Lord for gospel advance and for His glory.

Elder Wong Chong Wah
“Nathanael once said to the other disciples, “What good can come out of Nazareth?” This brother, Chin Aik, comes from a small town – Taiping. To me that is like Nazareth. I, too, share the honour of coming from Taiping. Let’s dedicate this building to the Lord.”
“Father, this evening we want to thank you for this building. We thank you that it is a witness to your faithfulness to Chin Aik and MAP. A witness to your steadfast love for each one of us as we dedicate it to you. We proclaim that Jesus Christ is Lord, Lord of the earth, and Lord of this building. Lord, watch over this building. We pray this humble building, will be like Jerusalem from which the gospel will spread to the outermost parts of the world. We pray for Chin Aik and all the staff and Council that you will use them. We pray that you will bless this building. We pray this in Jesus’ worthy and precious name. Amen.”

Dr. Chew Weng Chee
Pastor Chew Weng Chee, Senior Pastor of SIB KL and MAP Council of Reference, briefed the crowd on the role of the MAP Council and appreciated the hard work of the staff before leading in prayer for the MAP Staff, Council Members and the ministry.
“We want to say that through the vision of one man over the various years, MAP has really grown. The Council is very privileged to serve under a wonderful statesman – the late David Boler – to whom we dedicate this hall. The staff are the hardworking ones. We appreciate you. Once a year we meet for accountability, to look at the accounts, and hear visions for the following year. Hallelujah! Let’s pray.”
“Father, we want to thank you first of all for Chin Aik, whose leadership you have blessed, with so many wonderful things. His vision, even in the early days to see your gospel advance in the whole Asia Pacific region, has been realized. We know it is only the beginning. We want to see the gospel, preached far and wide in areas where people have never heard the good news. I pray for the staff that supports Chin Aik so well day in, day out. In Jesus’ name, we want to bless the staff and their families.
We pray for the Council as we support and partner not only Chin Aik, but you Lord, for the wonderful cause of the Great Commission. What a privilege it is to love you Lord and to serve you. All glory to God in Jesus’ name. Amen.”
Moments to Remember for the Evening

A Listening Moment

A Touching Moment

A Light Moment

A Praying Moment

A Hilarious Moment

Dr. Daniel Ho
Prior to the dedication of the David Boler Lecture Hall, Pastors Daniel Ho and Ooi Chin Aik, both paid tribute to the late distinguished elder Christian statesman, David Boler.“It is such a joy and privilege to honour an amazing man of God this evening. I had the joy of working closely with him for 10 years.
Two incidents, in particular, stood out in my mind concerning the man David Boler.
The first, was when I took him to FGA for a NECF conference. You see, in all NECF meetings, he was always there. In this conference, the worship team of FGA led in worship. We all stood up. After 2 songs, I told Mr. Boler, he can sit down. Instead he stood with me all the way through to the end. Friends, it speaks of a man who wants to honour God in worship and has a respect for everybody around. The kind of worship is not his cup of tea. It just shows the breadth, generosity, and stature of the man. He is the most outstanding elder statesman that I know of.
The second incident was when I took him downtown to KL for another meeting. He turned to me and said: “Daniel, there is one thing which is very strange. I don’t understand. How come Christians, really wonderful Christians can manifest demonically?” I said Mr. Boler: “I am just as confused as you are. Because in my own experience I come across it again and again. Committed Christians who will manifest in the same manner as non-Christians. Friends, there is something that we will never fully understand. I shared with him how we dealt with it and how we got rid of those in the name of Jesus.”
What does this show about Mr. Boler? It shows grace, humility and the willingness to want to learn. It shows a man who never says, “I got it all, been there, seen it, and done that. It just shows the stature and depth of the man. That’s the testimony of this amazing man of God. Thank you.”

Pastor Ooi Chin Aik
Ever since I began serving the Lord full-time inMalaysia in 1991, the late Mr. David Boler has always been around as mentor and friend until his home call in 2008.When the idea of MAP was first floated, he acted as a personal advisor. His advice was, “Chin Aik, don’t register an office yet. Strike out and see if the churches would receive the ministry. Don’t take up any settled leadership role in the local church. You need to travel widely. Take speaking engagements as they come your way. Keep me and your church posted so that we can pray for you. Take the step of faith and find your sustenance in love gifts.” On one occasion, when I could only show 2 speaking engagements for a whole month, David Boler called up and asked: “Chin Aik, are you alright financially?” It shows a man who has a pastoral heart.
After three and a half years of itinerant ministry, David Boler agreed, when approached, to be the founding chairman of MAP, at age 80. On hearing about the matter, Mrs. Boler exclaimed, “Dear, you are into another one again! You have just resigned as Chairman of CFM, NECF and Scripture Union.” He just smiled. It says a lot about him as a friend. He was willing to make personal sacrifices to cheer a new work for the gospel.
The next memorable incident was over the decision to send me to study Chinese in China for 10 months. MAP was only 3 years old. David Boler felt I should consider studying locally and keep the organisation going. After hearing my reasons, the Council felt that studying in China was the right move. He willingly turned around to support the decision and approached someone to support the organisation financially. Well, he did give his smile of full approval and affirmation when I returned from China with some good results! (laughter).
Two weeks before his home call in April 2008, David Boler continued to make his way up the stairs at age 88 to dutifully chair yet another Board of Directors’ meeting. His last prayer as the Chairman was one of thanksgiving to God for what we have been able to achieve thus far. Next, he asked God for forgiveness for not having done enough. That’s the man we are seeking to honour tonight, brothers and sisters.
For all these reasons, and many more that time does not permit me to mention this evening, David Boler, deserves to be honoured and have a hall named after him to house the MAP Evangelism Leadership Institute.”

Brenda Boler, daughter of the late Mr. David Boler, and Lim Eng Weng, Chairman of MAP and Cheras Evangelical Free Church, unveiling the David Boler Memorial Plaque together.
Brenda, upon unveiling the plaque says, “I am supposed to readthe words on this plaque. It says:
In Honour of David Boler KMN,
5 December 1919 – 27 April 2008,
Elder Christian Statesman for the Gospel of Christ and the Glory of God, 16th January 2013.
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” Romans 8: 28
This is the verse that is also on my father’s gravestone at SubangLutheranGarden. I just like to thank Chin Aik, Lydia, and the whole MAP team for honouring dad in this manner. It is very, very touching. I am sure my dad will be incredibly embarrassed by this, but I know he will also be very touched as I am and my brother is. Douglas, my brother, is actually here from Melbourne. Both of us are so touched by this event. Thank you very much, MAP for this.”

Elder Kong Yeng Phooi led in the Dedication Prayer for the David Boler Lecture Hall.
“Father, this evening we are so privileged to remember our dear brother, the late Mr. David Boler. He has been a man of great influence as a Christian. He is truly one who is humble, one who walks the path that God has set before him. He is truly an exemplary role model for us. Father, we want to thank you, and for this lecture hall that is now dedicated to him.
Father, we want to dedicate this hall as a place that will bring you glory and honour. A place to equip and train all those who have the heart for the gospel. Bless this place sovereignly and in the days to come. We pray all these things, giving our grateful thanks in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

Book Launch by Rev. Dr. Tan Jin Huat, STM and All Saints Anglican Church, Cheras.
“It is a tremendous joy and privilege to share in this book launch. I remember this is my second ‘yes’ to Chin Aik’s request. The first time was when he invited me to speak at his wedding. What I learnt from his wedding was he went to China, and his Chinese was not so good. His homework was bad, so he has to bring back Lydia to help in his homework. So far as his book is concerned, the homework is very good.
And it shows the skill of a New Testament scholar with a heart of an evangelist. That’s one of the tremendous models we need today-a scholar evangelist, and this is what Chin Aik has really done. He has written this book under the mentorship of Gordon Fee, a very renowned international scholar, with a great foreword by JI Packer, an Anglican theologian, and a commendation by Ward Gasque, a first rate evangelical scholar. Chin Aik has done us a great service – good scholarship that gives a basis on Christian reward for work done in Paul. I warmly, warmly commend this book to you to read. Beyond some of the technical bits, there are many great insights and gold nuggets of biblical truth that you can enjoy.

Rev. Dr. Tan Jin Huat launching and signing the book poster: “Final Reward in Paul’s Thoughts” by Ooi Chin Aik.
This book answers the question about final reward for believers. About how are we to live, to serve Him so that we can win the prize at the judgment seat of God. Who should read? Christian leaders on how to build the church, what attitude are we to have with regards to other workers, the ministries and how do we stand before God. And every Christian servant should read too, as it involves you. It’s a book well worth reading, and well worth pondering.
All the proceeds will go to a Gospel Trust Fund that will be used to print gospel tracts and distribute bibles to bless people in China and other places. Buy, bless yourself, and another person, and help spread the gospel far and wide in the speediest manner.”

Pastor Kenneth Chin, Senior Pastor of ACTS Church and MAP Council of Reference, interceded for God’s blessings upon the book.
“Father, we thank you that you want to impact the generations and you called men and women to write. Lord we pray this book will go far and wide, the circulation will be amazing, beyond even Malaysia and people will respond to the full-time call by reading some of the pages of this book. I pray every worker and every believer will be a witness and will be inspired by the Holy Spirit through these pages. We pray it will end up in the hands of everyone who needs to read it. Your will be done as you have ordained this book to be written for such a time as this.
We thank you in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

Rev. Gerawat Maran, former President of SIB Sarawak and MAP Council of Reference, closed the historic evening with prayer in Bahasa Malaysia.
“Allah Bapa kami, kami bersyukur, akhirnya acara pelancaran bangunan, pusat latihan dan buku ‘Final Reward in Paul’s Thoughts’ telah selesai dengan baik demi menyatakan kebaikan-Mu dan kemulian-Mu.
Kami bersyukur kerana anugerah-Mu yang melimpah melalui MAP. Selama ini banyak jiwa yang telah dibawa ke dalam kerajaan syurga dan lebih banyak lagi di masa akan datang.
Kami percaya dengan tangan Tuhan yang berkuasa untuk meminpin dan menyertai Chin Aik, staf dan semua council, baik di Malaysia, Australia, UK dan Canada. Semua ini kami doa di dalam nama Tuhan Yesus Kristus. Amen.”

Rev. Dr. Samuel Ng Teng Beng, Senior Pastor of Faith City Church, Petaling Jaya and MAP Board of Director, pronounced the Benediction upon the MAP team and all present to conclude a God-honouring evening.
The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord makes His face shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord lifts up His countenance upon you and gives you peace.
Father, we pray tonight, fill our hearts with passion for the lost. We thank you, that in your hand a man can come from an insignificant place but it became significant in you. We pray, Father, use us tonight. Use our churches, our organization, that the gospel will be advanced in this nation and beyond.
Even as we go, bless each one of us in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

Thank you, brothers and sisters, for supporting the book project. May “Final Reward in Paul’s Thoughts” be a great blessing to all who read and all who help to circulate the book. All glory to God!

All in the MAP Staff Team, thank you for your partnership in the gospel. Pray for us as we attempt greater things for God.
To conclude, we give you some feedback on the historic evening.
“On the evening of Wednesday 16th January, it was raining cats and dogs.
However, the weather condition did not hamper the celebration mood. Pastors and church leaders from all over were present and a sense of elation and the Lord’s presence was indeed in the meeting. We were immediately ushered to take our buffet dinner which we enjoyed as we caught up with our church friends and brethren that cut across the denominations. The celebration of the MAP Triple Launch was indeed a very special, unforgettable, milestone event in the history of MAP.”
Pastor Ong Hock Huat
Senior Pastor of Full Gospel Assembly, Ipoh
and MAP Council of Reference
“The MAP Triple Launch was momentous in many ways. Firstly, it was a significant milestone for MAP to have a place dedicated to the training of more trainers who will train others also. Secondly, it was a wonderful assembly of like-minded leaders and pastors from far and wide in Malaysia, committed to finish the work of the Great Commission. Thirdly, we honored one of the most respected Elder Statesmen in Malaysia, the late Mr David Boler, who has set before us a glorious model of Christian service.
All in all, it was a memorable and God glorifying evening. I believe that MAP, under the leadership of Chin Aik, will grow from strength to strength, as it seeks to advance the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ across the Asia Pacific nations.”
Dr. Chew Weng Chee
Senior Pastor of SIBKL and
MAP Council of Reference
“As I sat through the Triple Launch event, my heart grew in thankfulness and appreciation of how God had enabled the establishment and development of MAP through the untiring and single-minded focus of Chin Aik and his team. It is truly remarkable to see that MAP is supporting so many evangelists in different countries given to sharing the gospel to their fellow community members in their own contexts. We saw the fruits of the vision and passion that saw the birth of this ministry about 12 years ago.
The Lord bless your labours with the grace and power that He makes available to His servants.”
Christopher Cheah
General Secretary, Scripture Union,
Peninsular Malaysia
“The MAP celebration was a God-honouring event. It was very heart-warming to see so many representatives of the Malaysian Christian community united in worship and thanksgiving. For me personally, it was truly moving as I heard the tributes paid to my dad and witnessed the opening of the David Boler Lecture Hall. Such a fitting way to remember him as his passion was for the Lord and for education – so both aspects have been combined in this gesture. My brother and I truly appreciate it. Thank you, Chin Aik, Lydia and the MAP team. God bless you in your work for Him.”
Brenda Boler
Daughter of the late Mr. David Boler
Petaling Jaya Gospel Hall
“We thank the Lord and thank you for the 16th January programme, partnership and lovely dinner. MAP has been a great encouragement to us personally and in the Body of Christ. We witnessed God’s goodness and grace in the speeches by godly men and are greatly encouraged to serve the Lord more. We thank God for giving MAP a beautiful building to further enhance His work. We appreciate MAP and the co-labouring you and your team have been doing.”
Jackie Looi
The Impressions,
Music and Youth Pastor,
Charis Sanctuary, Assemblies of God
“I was thrilled to witness at the above Launch how the Lord has blessed Ministries for Asia Pacific (MAP).
It is also heartening to see the establishment of a MAP Evangelism Training Institute and the David Boler Lecture Hall.
I am confident that MAP will continue to grow under a godly, prayerful, humble Council, partnering Chin Aik and his faithful staff to reach out to yet more peoples in the Asia Pacific region. May we all commend it, include it in our prayers, support and network, in brotherly unity, and in obedience to His Great Commission and Great Commandment!”
Rev Loh Soon Choy
Founding Board Member and former Dean of
Malaysia Bible Seminary,
EFC Malaysia Executive Committee,
and Asian Beacon Advisor
To God be the glory for all the great things He has done!
Preaching Towards A Verdict
Jesus, our Lord, preached towards a verdict. Mark, the earliest of the four gospels, tells us that Jesus went into Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God. “The time has come,” he said. “Thee kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news!” (Mk. 1. 14 -15)
Like Jesus the Evangelist, preaching evangelists at MAP attempt to do likewise. We preach the good news. We preach with a sense of urgency – “the time has come,” and “today is the day of salvation!” We preach towards a verdict – repent and believe the good news! We ask that you continue to remember us in prayer as we boldly proclaim the gospel of the kingdom and call men and women to respond with repentance and belief in the Saviour.

Evangelist Ooi Chin Aik preaching the good news to the crowd at Full Gospel Tabernacle, Petaling Jaya on 23rd December, 2012
Evangelist Ooi Chin Aik preaching the good news to the crowd at Full Gospel Tabernacle, Petaling Jaya on 23rd December, 2012

Men and women responding to the call for repentance and salvation and for prayers at Full Gospel Tabernacle, Petaling Jaya, 23rd December, 2012

Evangelist Albert Tang (left) preaching with a Chinese interpreter at Daya Gospel Centre, Johor Bahru, Johor on 25th December, 2012

The audience responding for salvation and for prayers at the Christmas Evangelistic event at Daya Gospel Centre, Johor Bahru, Johor, 25th December, 2012
MAP 9th Staff Retreat

The MAP Team at the Saujana Hotel 9th Staff Retreat. (Left to right: Lydia Ooi, Ooi Chin Aik, Peter Tan, Audrey Tan, Persis Lim, Albert Tang, Foo Kai Seong, Low Jan Ni).

The MAP Team with a new member on board – Colin Wong (second from left), our Honorary Associate Evangelist (Bahasa Malaysia and English).
9 from the MAP Team gathered at The Saujana Hotel, Subang Jaya on October 4, 2012 for the 9th MAP Staff Retreat under the theme: “MAP in Lateral Gospel Movements” led by the Founder and President, Ooi Chin Aik.
It is good to pause, refresh, reflect and redirect energies as a team for the new challenges in gospel advance for Asia Pacific and beyond. Participants gave their feedback on the retreat:
“This year’s retreat was pretty short in duration – a half-day retreat – but its purpose duly fulfilled. I am personally challenged by the last command of Jesus – ‘To Make Disciples of Jesus’ which must first involve ‘Multiplying the Gospel just as Jesus did’ into a lateral movement.”
Audrey Tan
“We had a relaxing and refreshing retreat this year. We are excited for the new phase of MAP – a NewBuilding which will be well used for His kingdom, new ministries, and new people coming on board to contribute. I am glad to be one of the MAP team and am looking forward to more souls being saved and more people being ministered to through MAP ministry.”
Lydia Ooi
“The staff retreat has given me a good insight into MAP’s direction in the years to come. It was also great to get to know the people of MAP better!”
Colin Wong
“MAP is like a mustard seed – a small beginning, planted in the hearts of men,it grows, and becomes large.”
Albert & Persis Tang
“A good time to gather as a team. A look at the ministry strategies for the next five years in increasing the fields and workers. Anticipating greater harvest through plowing, sowing and reaping for God’s glory.”
Foo Kai Seong
“Moving MAP in Lateral Gospel Movements, needs a lot of sowing, planting and casting the net wider for a bigger catch into God’s kingdom.”
Jan Ni Low
“A good time of fellowship as we are challenged to position ourselves for the next decade of gospel advance.”
Peter Tan