Windows of Opportunities
After the Second World War, the proconsul in Japan, General MacArthur, asked for 1,000 missionaries to come to Japan. The Macedonian call received a weak response. Would the history of the Church in Japan be written differently, had the opportune moment of a nation humbled by the ashes of defeat and seeking to rebuild itself, been seized by the Church in America and at large?
Today, in Malaysia, both East and West, there is a speed race for the souls of men and women amongst the indigenous tribal peoples. If we do not marshal our resources and help send many more local evangelists to reach the unreached, others will! This will make the task of evangelizing them much more difficult and daunting in the future. We may have a window period of no more than 5 years.
The Lord Jesus presses this sense of urgency in doing God’s work in John 9. 4, “As long as it is day, we must do the work of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work.” It is still day – the window of opportunity to reach the tribals in Malaysia is still open, albeit fast closing. Let us heed the warning of the Master and be wise and obedient servants.
Let the Church of Christ seize the day in Malaysia, Asia, and other parts of our world where windows of opportunities exist. God help us!
REAP Sabah ~ On The Increase
We are happy to note that effective 1 May, 2013 REAP Sabah has another 3 new evangelists added onto the harvest force, making a total of 15 REAP Sabah evangelists serving in 15 different field locations – from the interior of Keningau to Kawasan Tawau.
For Our 2nd REAP Sabah Missions, the team comprising – Ooi Chin Aik, Albert Tang and Colin Wong met with 13 of the evangelists and REAP
Coordinator for Sabah, Pastor Joeraimon, on 25- 27 April, 2013 at the Kokol Prayer Summit, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah for training under the theme: “The Urgency of Evangelism Today.”
Gospel tracts on “4 Spiritual Laws” in Bahasa Malaysia were given to the evangelists for evangelistic work, together with gift copies of “The Master Plan of Evangelism” in Bahasa Malaysia and “Turning Faces Towards Heaven.”
Participants enjoyed the excellent retreat and training facilities at the Kokol Prayer Summit, besides the good teaching, prayer times, rest and encouragement.
Pastor Joeraimon, REAP Sabah Coordinator, feedback:
“Thank God that we can partner with MAP in advancing the gospel to the peoples in rural Sabah. MAP is very evangelism-centric and this is what we need for our evangelists. It will make their work easier if they are equipped with the right evangelistic methods. May our partnership with MAP bring glory and honour to God and at the same time save more souls for His kingdom. Praise the Lord!”

The venue of the 2nd REAP Sabah Missions – Kokol Prayer Summit, Kota Kinabalu

Pastor Ooi Chin Aik spoke on the theme: “The Urgency of Evangelism Today” with Colin Wong as interpreter.

Rev. Albert Tang and Colin Wong praying for the REAP Sabah evangelists.

The 2nd REAP Mission Sabah participants. Seated 2nd from left is Pastor Joeraimon, REAP Sabah Coordinator.
Towards Partnership in Missions – Asia-Oceania and Beyond
MAP is privileged to have participated in the “Partners-In-The-Harvest” (P.I.T.H) Missions Conference at the Subic Bay, The Philippines, attended by over 200 delegates from Asia-Oceania on 28 – 31 May, 2013.
Founder and President, Ooi Chin Aik spoke at one of the Plenary Sessions on: “Prayer and World Evangelization” and conducted a Workshop on “Growing a MissionsInvolvedChurch.” MAP sponsored all the 7 REAP Philippines evangelists to participate in this strategic conference.
“Praise God for the many new friends and partners-in-the-harvest made as a result of the gathering. The recently concluded “P.I.T.H” Conference was both inspiring and instructive as to how missions should advance for the Christian Brethren in Asia-Oceania. Let’s pray that the cross-fertilization of ideas and models for doing missions – evangelism, social concern, church planting, training, etc. in the different contexts of Asia-Oceania will bear much fruit in the future for God’s glory.”
Ooi Chin Aik
Plenary Speaker and Workshop Facilitator,
“P.I.T.H” Missions Conference

Pastor Ooi Chin Aik speaking at the Plenary Session of “P.I.T.H” Conference on: “Prayer and World Evangelization.”

A Special Session with REAP Philippines Evangelists and their spouses.
MAP has conducted several Missions Conferences in Nassau, The Bahamas, in 2001, 2002, 2008 and more recently in 2013 in 2 local churches there: GraceCommunityChurch and CalvaryBibleChurch.
Founder and President, Pastor Ooi Chin Aik, spoke at the 27th Annual Missions Conference of Grace Community Church on 17-24 February, 2013 themed: “Today’s Missionary – A 21st Century Perspective.” and was also the speaker at the 41st Annual Missions Conference of Calvary Bible Church on 3-10 March, 2013 themed: “The Urgency of Evangelism in the World Today.”
Andy Knowles, Director of Missions, GraceCommunityChurch, reflected on the Missions Conference at his church:
“The Holy Spirit spoke through you to show us how we can be missionaries today, in the 21st century. You took the theme for the conference and made it relevant to the community of believers at GraceCommunityChurch. The word was very refreshing and you were very practical in showing us that even in giving a small amount which could be all that we have, God can use it in a big way. You helped us see that every Christian is a missionary and every church should be involved in spreading the gospel.
Chin Aik you helped us appreciate that the world’s culture is closing God out, but we need to hold the line, because we are a part of the winning team and for some that means that God will use us as “Businaries”.
To hear and see how God has used MAP reinforced the need to be in prayer for our missionaries and to realize that we are in a spiritual battle. God used the conference to create a new passion for souls which will see more believers joining the mission field and more giving financially and praying earnestly.”
Thank you, GraceCommunityChurch and CalvaryBibleChurch for, “your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.” (Phil. 1. 5) Your kindness, warm hospitality, generosity and love for servants of the gospel are remembered and greatly appreciated. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

Grace Community Church members responding to a call to be committed “missionaries”.

Missionaries and leaders of Grace Community Church enjoying the culinary skills and warm hospitality of Faith and Dr. Steve Lochan

Preaching the theme: “The Urgency of Evangelism in the World Today” at the 41st Annual World Missions Conference of Calvary Bible Church. Praise God for the global vision of this local church and her support of missionaries near and far.

Enjoying spicy Indian food with the folks of Calvary Bibile Church at the home of Michael(standing 1st left) and Ampusam Symonette(a Malaysian seated 1st left ). Senior Pastor Allan Lee is standing 3rd from the left. Thank you, Pastor Allan Lee and church for strong partnership in the gospel.
Introducing Our New MAP
Associate Staff (REAP Projects)

Lai Yik Meng
After graduating with a Bachelor of Business Administration in Computer Information System from North East Louisiana University, USA, Miss Lai Yik Meng worked in the IT fields for 24 years – the last 15 years as IT Department Head in a Japanese manufacturing company.She worships at Banner of Love Church, Petaling Jaya, where she is the Assistant Leader in the Chinese Ministry and Coordinator for Special Functions in her church.
Yik Meng joins MAP as Associate Staff (REAP Projects) effective 1 May, 2013. We look forward to her providing strong administrative support for the rapidly expanding REAP work with her gifts in IT, administration, and proficiency in the Chinese language.
Welcome to the MAP family. God-speed and bless.
Introducing Our New MAP
Associate Staff (Special Projects)

Matthew Ngoh Tee Hiang
A graduate from the University of Malaya and with an earned Master in Business Studies from the UniversityCollege, Dublin, UK, Matthew Ngoh spent almost 20 years in the banking industry.There, he along with other brothers and sisters, pioneered the work of Maybank Tentmaker Christian Fellowship. Matthew worked as Chief Operating Officer for Pacific Trustees Berhad from 2006-2011.Active in Christian ministry, he provided leadership for the Chinese ministry in his local church for 12 years and is currently involved in Myanmar Outreach Work.
Matthew joins MAP as Associate Staff (Special Projects) effective 1 May, 2013 and will be the Resident Coordinator for all training under the MAP Evangelism Leadership Institute besides doing research to grow prayer in Asia-Pacific and beyond.
Welcome on board Matthew, and the Lord establish the work of your hands.