Through The Eyes Of Faith
We live in times of great uncertainties worldwide. The partial US Government shutdown sent jitters of negative economic repercussions globally. In April 2013, the world’s carbon dioxide concentration reaches 400 ppm for the first time in 3 million years. A carbon dioxide concentration of greater than 300 ppm causes the sea level to go higher by 5 – 10 meters. At that rate, coastal cities may submerge within 50 -100 years.
Professor Jeffrey D. Sachs, who heads the Sustainable Development Solutions Network under the auspices of UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon, warns that if the world moves on the “Business As Usual” trajectory, then the scenario is: 1) Global cooperation diminishes, 2) Population pressures become extreme in many regions, 3) Fossil fuel burning continues to rise, 4) Climate shocks are exacerbated, 5) Irregularities increase, 6) High youth unemployment, 7) Wars in oil poor, water scarce regions, and 8) A new arms race may emerge.
A biblically-balanced faith dictates that Christians and churches should be at the forefront of the ‘Creation Mandate’, (Gen. 1. 28, Gen. 2. 15) and the ‘Great Commission Mandate’. (Mt.28. 18–20) We are to “Earth-Keep” and “Make Disciples of All Nations.” There is no room for myopic and parochial applications to our Christian faith. Christian work ethics must factor in earth care and spiritual care. It is not ‘either-or’. It is ‘both-and’.
As God’s people journey towards the New Jerusalem, the New Heavens and New Earth (Rev. 21), let us do so as concerned Christians, convinced Christians and committed Christians. As we work, know that our God is at work. He is Sovereign. And He is sovereignly Good. The eyes of faith see uncertainties as opportunities for witness.
REAP Thailand
20 – 22, September, 2013
REAP Thailand was launched in Bangkok, Thailand on 20 – 22, September, 2013 with 9 evangelists being trained at the Bangkok Christian Guest House. Thailand represents our
11th REAP country in Asia. MAP team members include: Pastor Ooi Chin Aik, Founder & President of MAP, and Pastor Nandu Gurung – REAP Coordinator for India & Bhutan, who acted as the interpreter.
Highlights of the inaugural REAP Training include:
1. 5 training sessions focusing on REAP, Evangelism and Overcoming Hindrances for Effective Evangelism. Time was given for questions and answers and group prayers.
2. 2 evangelists: Pastor Kailas and Asha being supported on the REAP Programme effective 1 October, 2013.
3. Each evangelist being given a copy of “Turning Faces Towards Heaven” and 2000 copies of “4 Spiritual Laws” in Thai being given to the supported evangelists for distribution, and
4. Sunday preaching at Emmanuel Church, in Bangkok, with over 60 present and 6 salvations. Praise the Lord!

All smiles on the faces of the first batch of REAP Thailand evangelists at the Bangkok Christian Guest House.

Evangelist Kailas with his wife and son
Evangelist and Pastor Kailas shared the story of God’s mercy and love to his family:
“We were in Phuket, Thailand, during the Tsunami, 26th Dec, 2004. All the areas were flooded. It was 10.30am, Thailand time. Over 10,000 people died in that devastating tsunami, but miraculously we were saved. My wife, my son and myself were scattered by the flood but we were saved. We came to Bangkok as refugees and started to evangelise the people in Bangkok. That God has spared our lives has caused us to serve Him with a heightened sense of gratitude. Thanks be to God!”

Evangelist Sakun is standing 4th from the left. Pastor Nandu Gurung – MAP’s faithful regional coordinator and interpreter is seated 2nd from the left.
Evangelist Sakun gave her feedback on the REAP training:
“We are so happy and grateful to Pastor Ooi Chin Aik for his burden for the people of Thailand. We thank you MAP and we are privileged to be trained for effective evangelism. We are equipped and trained and now we will go to the rurals of Thailand and preach the gospel.
Thank you so much for considering us under the REAP programme. Please keep praying for us so that we may evangelise many more people.
Thank you very much.”
The scope for evangelistic work in Thailand is huge. Pray that God will raise up more support for the REAP evangelists in Thailand through MAP.
5000 More Bibles for Converts
Praise God that the gospel is advancing in Asia through your prayers and partnership all these 13 years.
As of October 2013, we are supporting 354 REAP evangelists in 11 nations of Asia, with over 1.9 million gospel tracts distributed, over 52,000 new converts, over 18,000 baptisms, and 10,000 bibles given to new believers in China, Myanmar and Malaysia.
Two of our REAP Priority Fields are experiencing a rich harvest of souls: China with over 23,000 conversions, and Sarawak with over 7,700 new believers.
We have made arrangements for a shipment of another 5000 bibles – 4000 to China and 1000 Bahasa Malaysia bibles to Sarawak, bringing the total to 15,000 bibles.
We need to catch up with the distribution of bibles to new believers. A bible to China costs RM10 and a Bahasa Malaysia bible costs Rm17.00. If you wish to have fellowship in the distribution of bibles for new believers, you can send the gift payable to “MAP Partners Berhad” addressed to:
MAP Partners Berhad,
16-1, Jalan Ara SD7/3B,
Bandar Sri Damansara,
52200 Kuala Lumpur,
Wilayah Persekutuan KL.
earmarked: “For bibles” at the back of the cheque. You can also make payment online by banking into our Public Bank account: 3108884208. Thank you.
REAP Chinese New Village Modular Training (RCMT) – Launched
On 2 – 5 July, 2013, 8 REAP evangelists comprising 6 from REAP Chinese New Village, Malaysia and 2 from REAP China gathered for the inaugural Modular Training (RCMT) at the David Boler Lecture Hall which houses the MAP Evangelism leadership Institute.
Participants from different field locations in Peninsular Malaysia and China were thrilled to meet up for a time of worship, prayer, training and fellowship.
Lecturers include: Pastor Ooi Chin Aik who spoke on 1) “The Urgency of Evangelism in Our World Today” and 2) “Biblical Stewardship of Time, Talents and Money, Rev. Albert Tang who covered “Personal Evangelism – Principles and Methods” and Pastor Christopher Leong who shared his experience on “Building a Strong Christian Marriage.”
Here are some of the feedback from the participants:
“I thank God for the training. I have served God for many years, but I have difficulty in winning souls for Christ. The “Effective Personal Evangelism” session has opened up my mind. Rev. Albert Tang showed us how Jesus did evangelism and we can learn from Him.”
Evangelist Lai Sun Ning, Sungei Siput, Perak
“Thank you for the opportunity to come and learn. We had worked hard in the fields. Thank you for the very comfortable place to stay and the classroom training.”
Evangelist Mong Har Choy, Serdang, Selangor
“What I learned here really opened up my mind. Effective methods will bring effectiveness in evangelism.”
Evangelist Wong Fong Thye, Gunung Rapat, Perak
“Thank you MAP for sponsoring us to come here and learn. All the courses really helped and edified us. We believe what we have learnt will bless our ministry.”
Evangelist L, China

The first batch of RCMT participants from Malaysia and China with the training team. Lydia Ooi (seated 2nd from the left) acted as the Chinese interpreter.

Training in session. A time to listen and reflect for more effective evangelistic ministry.

A REAP China evangelist receiving a book gift from Pastor Ooi Chin Aik, MAP Founder and President.

Participants of RCMT with the book gifts: “Qualities of a Leader” by John Maxwell (in Chinese).
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