The Gospel and God’s Sovereignty
From an earthly perspective, the building of God’s Church depends so much on workers of the kingdom-apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers etc. (Eph. 4. 11-12; Rom. 12. 6-8; 1 Cor. 12. 7-11) Curtailing the work of such servants and the propagation of His Word would surely restrict and eventually choke the work of church growth – be it in the form of prohibitive laws, intimidation, persecution and so on. That would be the obvious natural outcome.
Scripture, however, consistently reminds us that it is the Lord of Creation and Redemption who is ultimately the real builder of His Church. Jesus said, “…. I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” (Mt.16. 18, KJV) In context, it is upon the rock of Peter’s confession of Jesus as the Christ, the Anointed One to save the world, the Son of the Living God, that Christ will build His Church. (Mt.16. 16, NIV) The Lord emphasized that this revelation to Peter was not from man (below) but from His Father in heaven (above).
We are easily tempted to take the earthly (below) view of gospel advance and church growth. We need to recapture afresh the heavenly (above) view. We are to remain a faithful confessing Church – that Jesus is the Christ, God’s Anointed Saviour of Mankind, and that He is God-Incarnate, the Son of the living God. He is the ultimate builder of His Church. We may have planted the seed, others may have watered it, but God made it grow. (1 Cor. 3. 6)
Let us resist an overly earthly (below) view. The risen Lord continues to build His Church against Satanic opposition. (Eph. 6. 12) And He is the ultimate Sovereign Ruler over the nations. (Ps. 2) “He brings princes to naught and reduces the rulers of this world to nothing.” (Is. 40. 23)
To God be the glory!
Preaching Christ Crucified
Be it in season or out of season, we are called as a church to preach Christ crucified. It is a stumbling block to Jews who demand signs and wonders and insist that according to Judaism, “Anyone who is hung on a tree is under God’s curse.” (Deut. 21.23; cf. Gal. 3. 13) It is foolishness to Gentiles who see no wisdom in the cross.
But, down through the ages, and indeed in our contemporary world, the preaching of the cross continues to be a magnificent display of God’s wisdom and power to save those who believe. (1 Cor. 1. 21, 2. 2-5)
At MAP, we testify to the power and wisdom of preaching Christ crucified. Since 2001, MAP preaching evangelists have seen over 2600 converted to Christ through faithful preaching of the cross. Praise be to God!
Pray for us that Christ and Him crucified will be exalted in all our evangelistic preaching.

Young and old came forward to receive Christ at the Christmas Evangelistic Service at Muar Assembly of God in Johor on 22 December, 2013.

Some members and visitors responding to the altar call for prayer and salvation at the bilingual gospel service at Praise Baptist Church, Kayangan, Perlis on 17 November, 2013
REAP Sarawak ~ More Evangelists Added
With the recently concluded REAP Missions in Gereja Port Miri, Sarawak on January 9 -12, 2014, 17 new REAP Sarawak evangelists have been trained and added onto the ‘harvest force’ in Sarawak bringing the total to 65 evangelists sent against 75 supporters. With the forthcoming REAP Missions to Kuching, Sarawak in June this year, we can expect at least 75 evangelists to be sent out for REAP Sarawak in 2014. Praise the Lord!
Under the theme: “Basics in Evangelism” the training team of four: Ooi Chin Aik, Albert Tang, Colin Wong and Jock Emang took the following sessions.
- What is REAP? (with DVD presentation on ‘MAP in Gospel Advance’) by Ooi Chin Aik
- Logistics and REAP Report by Albert Tang
- Principles of Evangelism by Albert Tang
- Utusan Pendamaian by Colin Wong
- Penginjilan di SIB Sarawak by Jock Emang
To assist the evangelists in their work of defending and confirming the gospel, the following were given as gifts:
- ‘Turning Faces Towards Heaven’ by Ooi Chin Aik (25 copies)
- ‘In Defence Of’ (in Bahasa Malaysia –‘Pembelaan’) by Bishop Paul Tan (25 copies)
- ‘The Master Plan of Evangelism’ (in Bahasa Malaysia by Robert Coleman- 25 copies)
- ‘Four Spiritual Laws’ gospel tracts (in Bahasa Malaysia-2500 copies)
- Bahasa Malaysia bibles (500 copies)
A special gift: “The Proclaimer” – audio readings of the New Testament in Bahasa Malaysia and the Iban language was presented to an evangelist for field-testing in an Iban longhouse for folks who can only respond to oral teaching of the bible. In time, we hope to send several hundreds of such sets into the longhouses of Sarawak and Sabah. Pray for this important project of oral teaching and discipleship.

REAP Missions Team with the batch of new evangelists for Sarawak

Albert Tang training the evangelists on: “Principles of Evangelism.”

Ooi Chin Aik presenting gift books to one of the REAP Sarawak evangelists.

“The Proclaimer”-audio readings of the New Testament in Bahasa Malaysia and the Iban language to be field-tested in one of the Sarawak longhouses.

Materials for evangelism and discipleship: “The Master Plan of Evangelism”, “In Defence Of” (in Bahasa Malaysia), and “Turning Faces Towards Heaven.”

Jock Emang–REAP Sarawak Corodinator appreciating the team with some local gifts.
Evangelists in Sarawak shared some of the challenges in their ministries:
“Some new converts are still drunk, gambling, and fighting. Some are pressured into observing traditional funeral practices.”
Evangelist Melissa working amongst the Penans.
“We face many challenges in terms of resources: finance, transport for ministry, teaching materials in the Iban language, and manpower to cover many villages spread over a large area.”
Evangelist Balan Bandar working amongst the Ibans.
“There are KEMAS schools in my area and our children are affected by teachings contrary to the Christian faith. Some new believers who are not well taught in the faith tend to consult the ‘bomoh’ (medium) to solve their problems.”
Evangelist Timbang working amongst the Ibans.
We give thanks to God for all who have responded in partnership towards winning and discipling East Malaysia for Christ in such crucial times. We thank God for the privilege of partnership with SIB Sarawak and Sabah.
We pray many more will join hands to build a strong East Malaysia Church so that the Church in Malaysia can have a more promising trajectory for the years ahead. Let us work while it is yet day! (Jn. 9. 4)
New Zealand Missions Summit: “Embracing The Ends of the Earth”
For three Saturdays - 15, 22, and 29 March 2014 in Christchurch, Palmerston North, and Hamilton of New Zealand, churches in the respective cities will gather for an “Embracing the Ends of the Earth” Missions Summit.
Key Speakers include:
1. Mark Grace (TSCF, Feilding Bible Chapel) – “Reflections on 200 years of the Gospel in New Zealand.”
2. Dr. Patrick Sookhdeo, International Director of Barnabas Fund –“Embracing Those of Other Faiths.”
3. Ooi Chin Aik, President of Ministries for Asia-Pacific (MAP) – “Embracing the Ends of the Earth in South-East Asia.”
Missions Agencies involved in the Missions Summit include: MAF, Wycliffe, International Teams, Barnabas Fund, MAP, CMCT India, Congo, Bright Hope World, GC3, International Student Ministries, and Missionary Ventures etc.
Pray for God’s mighty move and blessings on the forthcoming Missions Summit.
Pray that churches will begin to ‘Embrace the Ends of the Earth’ more effectively through interacting with the speakers, elective workshops and agency presentations.
MAP 10th Staff Retreat
On 25-26 October, 2013 the MAP Staff Team gathered in the cool of Genting View Resort, Pahang for the MAP 10th Staff Retreat under the theme: “Exponential Growth in Challenging Times.”
We thank God for enabling us at MAP to pioneer “Rural Evangelists Adoption Programme” (REAP) in 11 countries of Asia – the latest being REAP Thailand. We praise God for the exponential growth in the conversion of souls to Christ since 2006 – with over 56,000 new believers and over 2 million gospel tracts distributed.
This Retreat looks at the challenges ahead in keeping on an exponential growth trajectory. Staff members gave their feedback:
” From the exciting up-to-date data we know that God’s hand is really upon MAP ministry. Thanks to the fellow staff for their hard work as the ministry is growing and the work load is also growing. May God bless the work of your hands.”
Lydia Ooi
Honorary Associate Staff
(Chinese Ministries)
“ I now have a good insight into MAP’s direction and challenges ahead. Pess on as a team in advancing the Gospel. May God’s kingdom come, His will be done….To God be the glory!”
Kally Cheah
Honorary Associate Staff
(Special Projects)
“ ‘Exponential Growth in Challenging Times’ by Chin Aik and ‘The Challenges of REAP CNV and REAP China’ by Albert Tang brings the MAP Team to understand the challenges and obstacles that may come and how we need to reinforce ourselves to become overcomers and sail through with God’s guidance for God’s glory.”
Low Jan Ni
“Yes, I enjoyed the retreat. The needs are great, but the resources are lacking”
Matthew Ngoh
Associate Staff (Special Projects)
“A relaxing and enjoyable retreat where we had fun together, and got to know each other better. The update, plan and vision about MAP which were shared was informative and challenging. It is good for the staff to understand and get prepared for what is ahead.”
Lai Yik Meng
Associate Staff (REAP Projects)
“With the increase of God’s grace we shall realise our goal before God, as we pray: ‘Father, we ask it only for your glory.’ —a reflection on setting faith goals for exponential growth as Pastor Chin Aik shared with us.”
Foo Kai Seong
(Special Projects)
“God’s work must be done in God’s way.”
Albert Tang- Associate Evangelist,
(Chinese Ministries) & Persis Lim.
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