A Gospel of Peace
We live in turbulent times – from “Climate Change as the defining issue of our age” according to UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon, to wars in Syria, Iraq, Ukraine etc., and the Ebola virus as a potential pandemic threat to mankind. External unrest in the present and uncertainties of the future are hardly the recipe for peace and security.
The Christian gospel brings a comforting message of peace for the troubled soul and hope for all our tomorrows. The good news is about God making friends in Jesus, and bringing peace through Jesus – the Saviour of the world. “For he himself is our peace…. He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near. For through him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit.” (Eph. 2. 14-18)
The Christian gospel is about the restoring of broken relationships: God to Man, Man to others, Man within himself, and Man to Creation. (Gen. 1-2ff; 1 Tim. 2. 5; Eph. 1. 7-10; Rev. 21-22) This coming Advent season, let us celebrate the historical fact that Jesus Christ, the “Prince of Peace”, has come more than 2000 years ago to preach peace and to make peace possible for all who will put their trust in his finished work at the cross.
He has come. He will come again soon to put aside the enemies of human kind – Sin, Satan and Death. (1 Cor. 15) The Christian gospel is about hope and eternal security. Let us continue to celebrate the lasting peace and hope in Christ. Let us share this message unashamedly to a troubled world. Preach peace near and far that comes from the Prince of Peace.
Have a merry and blessed Christmas!
REAP Priority Fields – More Supporters Needed
From the inception of Rural Evangelists Adoption Programme (REAP) in 2006 with the first 16 rural evangelists in China, we are today over 385 evangelists in 11 nations of Asia – from the rurals of China and the Himalayan countries of India, Nepal and Bhutan, to the interior of Sarawak and Sabah, Malaysia.
We give thanks to God for what has been achieved thus far: 1) Over 62,000 converts to Christ, 2) Over 22,000 baptised, 3) Over 2.4 million gospel tracts distributed in the local languages, and 4) 18,400 bibles given to the new converts. Thank you, prayer partners and supporters for advancing the gospel in the unreached rurals of Asia. To God be the glory!
We have identified 4 fields to be our REAP Priority Fields: China, Sarawak, Sabah, and the ChineseNewVillages of Peninsular Malaysia. 88 % of our evangelists serve on these Priority Fields. The challenges and speed race for gospel advance in Malaysia call for concerted prayer and a collective response. The Orang Asli in Peninsular Malaysia will be adopted as a REAP Priority Field from 2015 onwards. We seek the speediest evangelization of the Orang Asli as well.
REAP Priority Fields – Sarawak and Sabah.
The 2010 Census in Malaysia showed a negative Annual Growth Rate (AGR) for the Christian Population in Sabah and only a 0.2% increase for the Christian Population in Sarawak. With strong contending forces against the gospel in both Sarawak and Sabah, God’s people need to rally together in terms of sending more evangelists to the rural longhouses while the doors are still open.
At the recently concluded Borneo Evangelical Mission (BEM) Pastors’ Conference in Miri, Sarawak from 23-26 September, 2014, MAP Founder and President, Ooi Chin Aik, threw a challenge to the 250 pastors and leaders present to send out an extra 200 REAP Sarawak evangelists by 2016. We are on a speed race for the gospel. Evangelists, local churches, trainers, and supporters need to speed up the process of gospel outreach while it is still day. More souls need to be reached, more bibles need to be distributed, and more churches need to be planted in this window of opportunity.
Interested to be a partner in these urgent times? Churches, cell groups, families and individuals can do their part. Support for a REAP evangelist is Rm200 per month or Rm2400 per year. (See attached REAP Support Form)
Gifts for Bahasa bibles can be sent to the new believers in Sarawak and Sabah via the MAP office: MAP Partners Berhad, 16-1, Jalan Ara SD7/3B, Bandar Sri Damansara, 52200, Kuala Lumpur.
Each bible in Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Malaysia or Bahasa Iban costs Rm27. To date, we have sent 2000 Bahasa bibles to Sarawak and 500 to Sabah.

Over 250 Pastors and Leaders of BEM Sarawak at the Conference in Miri, Sarawak on 23-26 September, 2014.

Rev. Dr. Justin Wan, President of BEM Sarawak, presenting a token of appreciation to Pastor Ooi Chin Aik, Founder & President of MAP, for speaking at the BEM Sarawak Pastors’ Conference in Miri.
MAP, in partnership with Full Gospel Businessmen’s Fellowship, Malaysia, has distributed 33 sets of “The Proclaimer” – oral reading of the New Testament in Bahasa Malaysia, Bahasa Indonesia and Bahasa Iban in Malaysia. Pray for this vital project to reach the oral audience in the interiors of Malaysia. We aim to send at least 500 sets over the next 3 years. REAP Evangelist Jimmy Kassa from Sarawak shares with us the initial impact of “The Proclaimer”:
“I have started three small groups of 10 each for bible study using ‘The Proclaimer’. One of them is in Bekenu, Miri – a new outreach. They meet every Saturday. Now I am busy every Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday with these groups.
On one occasion, I played ‘The Proclaimer’ and shared the gospel message. 15 people responded to receive Christ. One of listeners was so touched when he heard Jesus proclaiming through ‘The Proclaimer’ in Bahasa: “Aku datang bukan untuk panggil orang benar, melainkan orang berdosa supaya mereka bertaubat.” He repented and accepted Christ. Praise the Lord!”
MAP Welcomes A New Associate Evangelist
Mr. Colin Wong Loug Seng, a graduate from the University of Queensland, Australia, joins MAP as Associate Evangelist (Youth and REAP) effective 1 January, 2015. Fluent in both Bahasa Malaysia and English, Colin has over 12 years of working experience, the last being a Manager at UEM Group Berhad. He is especially passionate about gospel missions to the youth and indigenous peoples, and has been on the MAP team to train the REAP evangelists in Sabah and Sarawak.
Colin will primarily be involved in pioneering and growing the work of gospel advance amongst the youth and indigenous peoples in Malaysia, besides assisting in the work of training and equipping evangelism leaders through the Evangelism Leadership Institute of MAP. He is currently pursuing a Master of Christian Studies at Malaysia Bible Seminary.
Colin worships with his wife, Guat Eu, at SS Gospel Centre, Petaling Jaya where he serves as a deacon, and on various church ministries from Youth Ministry Leader and Missions Committee Member to Musician for Worship and Music Ministry.
He can be contacted for ministry engagements at: Mobile: 012-3939467, Email: colinwong.map@gmail.com
Welcome to the MAP team Colin. God’s anointing and favour go with you as you serve and honour the Lord.
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