A Unique Christ and Gospel
Against stiff opposition to gospel expansion by the Jewish and Greco-Roman authorities in the first century, the early Church unashamedly confess that, “Jesus is Lord” (Ac. 2.36) and that, “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.” (Ac. 4.12) The earliest Christian confession is that, “Jesus is both Savior and Lord.”
Today’s Church needs to reaffirm that confession in the midst of confusion and compromise on the uniqueness and finality of Christ. In Christ and Christ alone, is the power of God for the salvation of everyone – Jews and Gentiles alike. Paul is not ashamed to declare this gospel. It is both the power of God for salvation and the righteousness from God revealed. (Rom. 1. 16-17)
Persecution from the Jewish and Roman authorities did not stop the spontaneous expansion of the early Church. Persecution today, cannot do likewise, if the Church of Christ hold firm and fast to the same confession: “Jesus is both Saviour and Lord,” in the midst of growing universalism, secularism and Islamism. There is no other Name for salvation!
United Missions Conference, Nassau, The Bahamas

Plenary Speaker, Pastor Ooi Chin Aik, Founder and President of MAP, delivering the theme address on: “I Am Not Ashamed”.
The first IANA (I Am Not Ashamed) United Missions Conference held in the Bahamas from 11-15 March, 2015 at Evangelistic Temple, Nassau, saw God bringing together some of the most powerful Missions Organisations under the focus of the Persecuted Church around the world, with the theme: “Persecuted, but not Forsaken.”
Nightly attendance of over 1000 featured 4 main plenary speakers: Canon Francis Omondi of Sheepfold Ministries from the Africa Missions Field, Pastor Ooi Chin Aik, Founder and President of Ministries for Asia Pacific (MAP) from the Asian Mission Field, Dr. K.P. Yohannan, Founder of Gospel for Asia, also from the Asian Mission Field, and Rev. Paul Mursalin, Deputy International Director of Barnabas Fund, that ministers to the persecuted church around the world.

Speaker and Hosts (Left to Right) – Canon Francis Omondi, Pastor Ooi Chin Aik, Lyall Bethel, Rev. Paul Mursalin, Jannell Bethel, Miryam and John Samara.
Pastor Cranston Knowles, Chairman of IANA Committee writes: “I am grateful to God for bringing to this Conference international speakers from around the world – each prominently involved in organisations that are making an impact globally for the cause of Christ, especially in the persecuted church. And, we have 11 IANA churches (representing 5 denominations) working together selflessly for one common goal of honouring God through their efforts.”

Warm fellowship around a meal for speakers and organisers of IANA Missions Conference.
Andy Knowles, Vice Chairman of IANA Committee, adds:
“Each of these men brought a fresh insight into the reality that being a missionary today is not about comfort and security, but about commitment and sacrifice to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit was at work as we saw many commit to supporting those on the mission field, many seeking guidance on how they could be more involved in missions, including surrendering to go as full time missionaries.
Throughout the IANA Conference, there was a real testimony of what God can do when churches work and pray together. To God be the glory!”
Pray for lasting fruit to come out of this strategic Missions Conference and for Elder Andy Knowles of Grace Community Church, Nassau, who will serve as REAP Coordinator of Ministries for Asia Pacific (MAP) in The Bahamas effective 1 April, 2015.
Elder Andy Knowles of Grace Community Church, our recently appointed REAP Coordinator of Ministries for Asia Pacific (MAP) in the Bahamas.
REAP Sarawak on the Roll

The MAP team with the new REAP Sarawak evangelists standing in rows 1 & 2. Seated (Left to Right) Hor Suet Fun, Phang Sin Nan, Ooi Chin Aik, Tram Epoi, Albert Tang, and Colin Wong.
The recently concluded REAP Sibu Missions, Sarawak on 16-21 April, 2015 saw 20 new REAP Sarawak evangelists being trained, resourced and supported for evangelistic outreach in the longhouses.
Training sessions include: Biblical Principles of Evangelism by Ooi Chin Aik, The Use of Apologetics in Evangelism by Colin Wong and Albert Tang, Being a Spiritually Militant Church by Phang Sin Nan, and Children Ministries by Hor Suet Fun. The MAP team preached in various churches on Sunday 19 April, 2015 besides visiting 4 longhouses in the vicinity for gospel preaching and ministry.
Since the launch of REAP Sarawak in July 2009 with 1 evangelist, REAP Sarawak today has 100 evangelists to speed on gospel advance in the rural longhouses. Over 13,000 came to Christ, over 6500 baptised, and 2000 Bahasa bibles given to new converts. Praise the Lord! And thank you for your prayers and partnership to advance Christ’s gospel in Sarawak.
Phang Sin Nan, a team member from Kuching, shared his experience:
“I praise God for the great privilege and honour to be part of the MAP team to train the REAP evangelists and preach God’s Word in the longhouses. I would like to thank MAP for this partnership in Christ.
Through this trip, I felt a sense of urgency for Sarawak to hear the preaching of the Kingdom of God in all its fullness and to be revived again. I felt a spiritual connection with the pastors, rural evangelists and brethren in both the urban and longhouse areas. As we ministered in the longhouses, the folks there welcomed what we carried, taught and imparted. I have been personally edified and revived through this fellowship.
I would also like to thank all our hosts, be it in town or at the longhouses, for their generous and warm hospitality, not forgetting their delicious native cuisine!”

The team in gospel preaching and prayer ministry in one of the longhouses.

Hor Suet Fun, a team member from Melawati Gospel Centre, teaching the Bible to children.
Bibles for New Converts
MAP Gospel Ministry is fast reaching the 70,000 mark in conversions to Christ in 11 countries of Asia. Over 2.5 million gospel tracts have been distributed.
We endeavour to ship bibles for discipling the new converts in their respective countries. To date the distribution of bibles is as follows:
China (14,100 bibles), Sarawak (2000 bibles), Sabah (500 bibles), Orang Asli (500 bibles), Myanmar (1000 bibles), Chinese New Village (200 bibles), and India/Bhutan (100 bibles). Total number of bibles given out so far is 18,400.
We plan to ship another 5,000 bibles by end of 2015 to our REAP Priority Fields of China and Sarawak – 2,500 Chinese bibles and 2,500 Bahasa Indonesia and Iban bibles @ Rm15 and Rm28 per bible respectively.
Keen to contribute? Send your gift to: MAP Partners Berhad, 16-1, Jalan Ara SD7/3B, Bandar Sri Damansara, 52200, KL or bank into our Public Bank account: 3108884208 under MAP Partners Berhad. Please scan to us your bank in slip by email: mappartnersmal@gmail.com.
Thank you. God bless
REAP Chinese Modular Training (RCMT)

RCMT participants and lecturers.

Resourcing RCMT evangelists with books.
MAP conducted the annual equipping of REAP evangelism leaders for China and Chinese New Villages on 1-4 June, 2015 at the David Boler Lecture Hall of the MAP Building.
Altogether 7 participated: 2 from North China, working mainly amongst the Hui and Uighur minority people groups, and 5 from Chinese New Villages in Peninsular Malaysia. This year’s training represents the third in the series of equipping and empowering rural Chinese evangelists – RCMT 3. Lecturers include: Ooi Chin Aik, Albert Tang, Christopher Leong and Lydia Li HeDa under the theme: “True Discipleship”.
Participants from mainland China and Malaysia gave their feedback:
“Thank God for the opportunity to come to Malaysia and learn. RCMT equips me and helps me train my evangelists when I return to China. I experienced a lot of things that I cannot learn in China – such as interaction with other churches and denominations. Thank you MAP for partnership in the gospel.”
Brother W, North China
“I have a good experience of lessons, fellowship and a warm loving environment. The lessons are helpful. I will use the material to share with my members. Staying together gives me a good opportunity for interaction which is much appreciated. We have enough time for lessons, relaxation, and fellowship. I am very appreciative of warm hospitality, nice accommodation, and generous and delicious food. Thanks too for books and tracts.”
Pauline Ding, Chinese New Village,
Peninsular Malaysia
“Two days before RCMT, two of my co-workers passed away. I decided to attend RCMT at the last minute. Thank God that I came. The topics were relevant to the situation I am facing now. Thank you MAP for organising such a good retreat and training for us.”
Wong Fong Thye, Chinese New Village
Peninsular Malaysia
Reaching Postmodern Youth for Christ
Recognising the importance of winning postmodern youth for Christ for the Malaysian Church of tomorrow, MAP began the first of a 3 part series of seminars under the theme: “Towards a Postmodern Youth Movement for Christ” on Saturday, 9 May, 2015 entitled: “Understanding and Reaching Gen Y and Z for Christ.”
Over 90 participants from 23 different churches, denominations and Christian organisations came to fellowship in youth ministry and outreach, featuring 2 main speakers: Annette Arulrajah ~ Associate Regional Secretary of IFES East Asia and Pastor Philip Devadass ~ National Sports Evangelism and Leadership Trainer with International Sports Coalition.
100% of the participants felt that the sessions were helpful and beneficial, and that the speakers were clear, knowledgeable and enthusiastic about the subject. 97% said they would be interested to attend the next one. Some of the feedback include:
“Very good, very informative, and very insightful message about the current generation. It challenges us to make a difference with our youth, hopefully to turn them into disciples of Christ, and they will in turn change other people’s lives.”
Eu-Gene Teo, Klang Jaya Gospel Chapel
“I think the seminar is timely, and it is a good reminder that we need to be real, authentic and vulnerable to those that we want to influence and lead: and not needing to be a certain so-called perfect person; but to be real to them, and hopefully they can see Jesus through us.”
Khaw Guat Eu, SS Gospel Centre
“Good and clear speakers with relatable stories/testimonies.”
“I thought the speakers did a great job. They pinpointed the issues accurately.”
“Well-explained on describing the postmodern generation and what strategies/approaches needed.”
“Thank you MAP for organising this seminar and opening up to all churches.”

Ooi Chin Aik, MAP Founder & President of MAP, gave the Opening Address.

Annette Arulrajah enlightened the crowd on : “Understanding and Reaching Gen Y and Z for Christ.
Pastor Philip Devadas sharing his experience on the importance of using “Sports” for evangelistic outreach.

Colin Wong, MAP Associate Evangelist, gave the “Summary and Concluding Challenge” for the day.
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