Fruit That Lasts
Not many things in life last. Certainly not material wealth, fame or power. The bible reminds us that we are, “like the new grass of the morning – though in the morning it springs up new, by evening it is dry and withered.” (Ps. 90.5) And again, “The length of our days is seventy years – or eighty, if we have the strength.” (Ps. 90.10)
To come to terms with our fleeting existence on earth and our mortality gives perspective to life itself, however temporary.
For believers, labour in the Lord is never in vain. (1 Cor. 15. 58) We are to build on the foundation of Christ and build with the durables of ‘gold, silver, and costly stones’ versus the perishables of ‘wood’, hay, and straw.’ (1 Cor. 3. 11-12)
Materials we use in our labour that are compatible with the foundation of Jesus Christ will survive the testing fire of God’s judgement and a reward given by God Himself. (1 Cor. 3.14)
The gospel of Christ which the apostles’ preached (Ac. 2.38; 1 Cor. 15.3-5) is what saves all peoples from eternal death and brings eternal life – life to the full (Jn. 10.10). Not a gospel apart from Christ and his atoning death and resurrection. Not a gospel of good works, and one that promises material prosperity. Not a gospel that does not call for repentance and cross-bearing in following Jesus.
As we faithfully sow and proclaim a gospel compatible with what the apostles preached, we will reap a harvest of fruit that lasts.
Let us then labour for that which lasts for eternity – a perishing world that needs the gospel of Christ.
REAP Missions Sabah – Moving Ahead
30 June -3 July, 2016 Kota Kinabalu
This REAP Missions is about equipping and commissioning new REAP evangelists to the rural areas of Sabah. Missions team members include: Ooi Chin Aik, Albert Tang, and Colin Wong.
A total of 15 new REAP evangelists attended the training held at SIB Pusat, Kota Kinabalu, from 30 June – 1 July 2016. The training commenced with Chin Aik sharing on “Gospel Advance in Challenging Times”. Albert and Colin conducted sessions on Apologetics & Evangelism, and dealt with key contemporary challenges to rural evangelism in Sabah today. The new evangelists were also briefed on the REAP programme (including a description of the roles of both MAP and the evangelists in REAP partnership). Chin Aik concluded the training with an exhortation to the evangelists and a time of corporate prayer.
On Sunday, 3 July 2016, Chin Aik, Albert and Colin spoke in different churches around the Kota Kinabalu area to minister the Word of God and to share the work of MAP.

The MAP team with the new 15 REAP Sabah evangelists.

The REAP Sabah evangelists listen attentively as Ooi Chin Aik shares on : “Gospel Advance in Challenging Times” with Colin Wong as interpreter.

A session on Apologetics & Evangelism being conducted by Albert Tang.

The REAP Sabah evangelists were given resources for their work of evangelism.
Pastor Pelimon Tandau, SIB Sabah Evangelism & Missions Coordinator, gave his feedback:
“The leaders of Sidang Injil Borneo (SIB) Sabah would like to express our gratitude to Ministries for Asia Pacific (MAP) for partnership in the work of evangelism and missions. We are thankful to God for the REAP support and the evangelism training provided. The financial assistance and spiritual equipping are very beneficial to the evangelists.”
Besides training and equipping, the evangelists were resourced with 1500 copies of “Four Spiritual Laws” in Bahasa Malaysia, 15 copies of “In Defence of”, 15 copies of “The Master Plan of Evangelism”, in Bahasa Malaysia, 30 copies of “Turning Face Towards Heaven”, and 75 copies of Bahasa Indonesia bibles.
With 15 new REAP evangelists adopted, we now have a total of 37 REAP evangelists advancing the gospel in rural Sabah. We continue to work towards more REAP evangelists being raised, as we seek to seize the existing window of opportunity to win more of rural Sabah for Christ. More than 40 evangelists are waiting for support, training and resourcing.
The partnership support for 1 REAP Sabah evangelist is Rm200 per month or Rm2400 per year.
Keen to be a REAP Sabah partner? Contact: Colin Wong at 012-3939467
MAP Rural Chinese Modular Training (RCMT) 4
30 May – 2 June 2016
We continue the vital ministry of equipping leaders in rural Chinese evangelistic and discipling ministry through “Rural Chinese Modular Training” (RCMT) annually. RCMT 4 was held for 9 evangelists: 2 from mainland China and 7 from Chinese New Villages, Malaysia in the MAP Building on 30 May – 2 June, 2016.
Evangelist Wong Foong Thye, serving in a REAP Chinese New Village in Ipoh, is our first graduand of the RCMT programme, having completed 70 hours of training with a “RCMT Certificate of Training.” She shares her experience:
“I have learnt a lot from the MAP RCMT Training Programme. It gave me a lot of useful input in my present village gospel ministry and helped me to face the challenges in the present times. I thoroughly enjoy the fellowship of other evangelists from other parts of Malaysia and mainland China.
Thank you MAP and supporters for the sponsorship of RCMT programme and for great hospitality as host. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!”

First RCMT graduand, Evangelist Wong Foong Thye, receiving a book gift and RCMT graduate certificate from MAP Founder and President, Pastor Ooi Chin Aik.
For this RCMT 4, topics covered include:
- The Urgency of Evangelism Today by Ooi Chin Aik
- Church Leaders and Vision by Rev. Albert Tang
3. Engaging Today’s Generation for Christ by Colin Wong

Seated Left to Right: Phoebe Yue, Persis Lim, Lydia Ooi, Chin Aik, Albert Tang, 2 brothers from China. Standing Left to Right: Sharon Yong, Foong Thye, Pit Ling, Rebecca Lai, Noah Wong, Matthew Ngoh.
2 of the China evangelists trained in RCMT 4 will train 2000 house church leaders in mainland China in the next 5 years. Praise God for the multiplication of equipping and discipling other leaders. (2 Tim. 2: 2)
Discipling the Postmodern Youth: Issues & Challenges
25 June 2016
“Towards a Postmodern Youth Movement for Christ” is a series of half-day seminars that MAP is organising, with the aim of winning, discipling, and developing youth leaders towards a postmodern youth movement for Christ. The second in a series of three such seminars was held on Saturday, 25 June 2016, entitled “Discipling the Postmodern Youth: Issues & Challenges”.
More than 70 participants from over 15 different churches and Christian organizations attended the seminar held at the David Boler Lecture Hall. The two main speakers were Annette Arulrajah – Associate Regional Secretary of IFES East Asia, and Rev Julie Khoo – Youth & Young Adults Pastor at Glad Tidings AOG, and Assistant Youth Director of Youth Alive Malaysia.
The seminar proceeded as follows:
9.00am | Praise & worship, led by Colin Wong |
9.15am | Welcome & Opening Address by Ooi Chin Aik |
9.30am | Session 1 on “Issues & Challenges in Discipling the Postmodern Youth” by Annette Arulrajah |
10.30am | Tea break & fellowship |
11.00am | Session 2 on “Discipling Postmodern Youth in the Local Church” by Rev Julie Khoo |
12.00pm | Short break |
12.15pm | Panel discussion (Q&A) |
12.45pm | Summary & Concluding Challenge by Colin Wong |
1.00pm | Closing Prayer and Benediction by Christopher Leong
The overall feedback was positive. The vibrant interactions during the panel discussion (Q&A) was an indication of the enthusiastic learning atmosphere of the seminar.
Angeline Koay, one of the participants from Sri Damansara Gospel Centre commented:
“The seminar was good and relevant to what is happening now. It’s great listening to Rev Julie and Ms Annette. My team were blessed and I hope it will move them to do greater things for God.”
Many responded that they learnt very practical and hands-on lessons on discipling the postmodern youth. The participants were certainly enriched and inspired to go and disciple this postmodern generation for Christ. All thanks and glory be to God!

Annette Arulrajah dealt with issues and challenges faced in discipling postmodern youth.

Rev Julie Khoo addressed the topic of “Discipling Postmodern Youth in the Local Church”.

The seminar was attended by more than 70 participants from over 15 different churches and Christian organizations.
Church Camp Ministry: Community Fellowship in Word and Obedience
Each year the MAP Staff Team of Evangelists: Ooi Chin Aik, Rev. Albert Tang, Colin Wong, and Lydia Ooi is privileged to minister God’s Word and teach at church and Christian fellowship camps in English, Chinese and Bahasa Malaysia towards believers’ obedience and transformation.
We give thanks to God for the many invitations from churches and Christian fellowships in the country for the extended times of Word and Gospel ministry in relaxed and lovely holiday environments. Pray that the Word preached will continue to transform more peoples to impact more for Christ.

Johor Bahru Holy Light Church Camp at Hotel Katerina, Batu Pahat, on 27-29 May, 2016.
MAP Founder & President, Ooi Chin Aik, speaking at the Lighthouse Charismatic Church Camp of Sungei Petani in Pulau Pangkor, with Lydia Ooi interpreting into Chinese, 3-5 June, 2016.
Great fellowship in an idyllic environment of Pulau Pangkor Seagull Beach Resort for Lighthouse Charismatic Church campers.