The Gospel and Spiritual Warfare
Satan knows that his end is near and he will intensify his work against the purposes of God. ”The thief comes to steal, and kill and destroy ….” (Jn. 10.10) Christ’s Church on earth needs to stay vigilant and engage the Enemy for truth and for the souls of men and women everywhere. (Eph. 6. 10-18, Mt. 28. 18-20)
Our weapons for warfare, as Scripture would remind us, are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. (2 Cor. 10. 4, KJV) We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive very thought to make it obedient to Christ. (2 Cor. 10.5, NIV)
Demonic deception and strongholds are broken whenever God’s truth in Christ is proclaimed, believed and received. The Church of Christ must commit herself afresh to the defence and confirmation of the truth of the gospel – the gospel of the kingdom that Jesus (Mk. 4.15) and the apostles preached, “Repent and be baptised, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” (Ac. 2. 38)
Easy believism, promises of material blessings and a comfortable life, may get the masses but will get the Church nowhere in making disciples for Jesus. The Great Commission is not about “making decisions of all nations” but “making disciples of all nations”. (Mt. 28. 19). For that to occur, as a pre-requisite, the message must be clear – repentance and a genuine ‘turning to God from idols to serve the living and true God.’ (1 Thess. 1. 9)
Preach the gospel of His kingdom and repentance for salvation. Make disciples of all nations.
Let us resolve to work together more closely to honour the true gospel of Christ.
Rural Chinese Modular Training 5 (RCMT5)
~ Growing Evangelism Leaders.
29 May – 1 June 2017

Standing from left: Jia Shen, Pit Ling, Saw Fan, Sharon Yong, Foong Thye, Yom Kuim, and Kelvin Ng.
Seated from left: Albert Tang, Persis Tang, Lydia Ooi, Ooi Chin Aik, and the 2 China brothers.
Under MAP’s Evangelism leadership Institute and in keeping with MAP’s commitment to advance the gospel and gospel leadership in the rurals of Asia, RCMT 5 was held on 29 May – 1 June 2017 to equip a total of 9 evangelists to evangelise the rural Chinese worlds – 2 from China and 7 from the Chinese New Villages of Peninsular Malaysia.
Subjects covered in the training and discussions include:
1. Spiritual Breakthroughs: Promise and Fulfillment by Ooi Chin Aik
2. What is REAP? and Church Planting by Albert Tang
3. Devotion by Colin Wong
4. Time for Intercession led by Albert Tang.
As part of equipping the evangelists, the following Christian literature were given:
• 24 copies of ‘Spiritual Therapy’ by Oswald Sanders, translated into Chinese by Lydia Ooi.
• 10,000 copies of Chinese gospel tracts for distribution, and
• 60 Chinese bibles for new believers in the Chinese New Villages.

Albert Tang, Chin Aik and the first batch of RCMT graduates: Foong Thye and Saw Fan.
Congratulations to Evangelists Wong Foong Thye and Yue Saw Fan from Chinese New Villages in Ipoh, Perak who graduated with a ‘RCMT Certificate of Completion’ upon fulfilling 70 hours of RCMT training.
The 2 China evangelists move on to undergo further training at the ‘School of Trans-Cultural Mission’ in MBTS Penang for another 3 weeks and will transfer the training to another 250 leaders in China within a 5 year period. Praise God for a movement of evangelism leadership training via MAP Evangelism Leadership Institute RCMT Programme.
Evangelist Yue shares:
“I would like to thank MAP for organising RCMT. The training has helped me a lot. It has strengthened my biblical and theological view on evangelism. I also have the opportunities to mix with other evangelists who are serving in Malaysia and China. Thank you and may God bless you.”
Evangelist Leam from a rural Chinese New Village in Coldstream, Perak gives his feedback:
“I am a village farmer in Coldstream Chinese New Village. I thank God for choosing me to serve Him. The training is very meaningful to me. I learned a lot from the training. It has helped me to understand ‘church planting’ and boldness in my ministry work. Thank you MAP.”
Bibles for New Believers – Progress Update
With over 108,000 conversions to Christ in rural Asia, MAP aims to provide each new believer with a bible as a gift and for Christian growth and discipleship.
As of July 2017 this year, an extra 1860 bibles have been sent to new believers as follows: China – 1000, Sarawak – 500, Sabah – 300 and Chinese New Villages – 60. The distribution of bibles as of July 2017 is as follows:
Conversions Bibles Given
China over 59,000 21,800
Sarawak over 16,900 4,100
Sabah over 4,200 1,100
Orang Asli over 330 500
Myanmar over 15,500 1,000
Chinese New Villages over 1,230 360
India/Bhutan over 2,000 300
Total 29,160
Another 700 new bibles will be sent to China in July, 2017. We plan to ship another 4000 bibles to rural China @ Rm15, 400 Bahasa bibles to Sabah @ Rm40, and 400 Bahasa and Iban bibles to Sarawak @ Rm28.
Keen to contribute and invest in sending out God’s Word? Send your gift to MAP Partners Berhad, 16-1, Jalan Ara SD7/3B, Bandar Sri Damansara, 52200 Kuala Lumpur or bank into our Public Bank account: 3108884208 under MAP Partners Berhad. Please scan to us your bank in slip by email: Thank you. God bless.