At the Proper Time
Habits of life set the direction and destiny of our contributions in serving God. A godly habit of sowing in the Spirit will reap a harvest of eternal life. (Gal. 6:8) Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. (2 Cor. 9.6)
The parable of the sower (Mk. 4. 3-20) underscores the need to sow as a kingdom expansion principle. Regardless of the circumstances and the receptivity of the soil, we are to sow. And sow the seed of God’s Word we must. There will be some who will receive the seed sown – hear the word, accept it, and produce a crop – thirty, sixty or even a hundred times what was sown. (Mk. 4. 20)
A kingdom seeking direction in Christian service calls for the habit of sowing in season and out of season. No sowing, no reaping. Generous sowing, generous reaping. This is a time tested biblical principle for all who want to honour the Lord in kingdom seeking and kingdom expansion. (Mt. 6.33)
In season and out of season, whatever the circumstances, let us continue to honour the Lord by sowing in the Spirit and not become weary in doing good, “for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” (Gal. 6.9)
Preaching the Christ of Christmas
In season and out of season, MAP is totally committed to the speediest and widest proclamation of the good news of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the good news.
Christmas season 2017 saw the MAP team of evangelists: Ooi Chin Aik and Albert Tang doing just that in a variety of settings and languages. We preach Christ and him crucified in the University, in the village, and in the local churches in Malaysia. We preached the glad tidings of Christ in English, Chinese and Bahasa Malaysia.
We thank you for your prayers and partnership in the proclamation of the gospel of Christ. We praise God for the many salvations and rededications in all the various locations. We ask you to pray for the ongoing work of follow-up and nature of new believers.
All glory to God on high!

Christmas preaching at Inter-Varsity UKM, 7 December evening. Praise God for the good turnout and 12 salvations.

Praise God for the good response to receive Christ at the Mentakab Assembly of God, Pahang for both the Chinese Christmas Service on 23 December, 2017 (with Lydia interpreting) and the English Christmas Service on 24 December, 2017.

Proclaiming the good news at SIB Heritage, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah on 16 December evening. Praise the Lord that the youngest of 8 and the oldest of 70 came forward to receive Christ.

Preaching Christ on Christmas Eve 2017 at Praise City Church, Rawang. Rev. Albert preached in Chinese while Ps. David translated into Bahasa Malaysia.

The congregation responding in prayer at Praise City Church, Rawang.

Rev. Albert preached in St. Philip (Anglican) Church, Sg. Siput on 10 December, 2017.

Christmas preaching at St. Philip (Anglican) Church, Sg. Siput on 10 December, 2017.
REAP Sabah and Sarawak: Greater Momentum with FGBFM Partnership
We rejoice with the timely partnership of Full Gospel Businessmen’s Fellowship Malaysia (FGBFM) with MAP to take the momentum of reaching the tribals of East Malaysia – Sabah and Sarawak to a new level effective January 2018.
This significant collaboration between FGBFM and MAP is expected to add an additional 300 new REAP evangelists for East Malaysia bringing the total harvest force to 450 by 2020. Praise God! Pray for us in the speediest evangelization of the rural unreached in Sabah and Sarawak.
The MAP team of Ooi Chin Aik, Albert Tang and Matthew Ngoh launched this latest partnership support of new REAP evangelists with FGBFM in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah on 18-21 January 2018 by training a new batch of 20 REAP evangelists and 9 REAP evangelists in Kuching, Sarawak on 22-23rd January 2018. Work the interiors for gospel outreach begins on 1 March, 2018 for the 29 evangelists. East Malaysia now has a total of 183 REAP evangelists: 121 in Sarawak and 62 in Sabah.
Topics covered in the REAP Training include:
- The Challenge of Prayer for More Workers (Lk. 10.2) – Ooi Chin Aik
- Apologetics – Albert Tang
- What is REAP? – Matthew Ngoh
- How to Write a Good REAP Report – Matthew Ngoh
- The Challenge of Prayer for Effective Evangelism – Ooi Chin Aik
Each evangelist in the training was given the following literature:
Gospel tracts: “4 Spiritual Laws” (Empat Hukum Rohani)
Bibles: Alkitab
‘In Defence Of’ by Paul Tan (Pembelaan)
‘Turning Faces Towards Heaven’ by Ooi Chin Aik
‘Master Plan of Evangelism’ by Robert Coleman (Rencana Agung Penginjilan)

Young evangelist Jehrry with the supply of gospel tracts, bibles and literature for REAP work.

MAP Training Team with the 20 REAP Sabah evangelists on 18-21 January, 2018

MAP Training Team with the 9 REAP Sarawak evangelists on 22-23 January, 2018 at SIB Cawangan Kuching, Sarawak

Praise and Worship at Pusat SIB KK, Sabah before training begins.
We received encouraging feedback from the REAP training in Sabah and Sarawak.
“The training has given me more confidence to evangelise the tribals in the interior. I want to be an evangelist for life.”
22 year-old Evangelist Salviana
“The materials provided will help me to evangelise more systematically. The financial support encourages and helps me to continue evangelising.”
60 year-old Evangelist Wilson Lugoh
Pastor Thenny Ali, Setiausaha Agung (General Secretary) of SIB Sabah expresses his gratitude for this strategic REAP training and support,
“We would like to thank you for the contribution and training of our evangelists. Thank you MAP and FGB Fellowship Malaysia for the partnership with SIB. Your prayers and support are indeed a great help to us.”
Bible Gifts for New Believers
As of February 2018, we have sent an additional 1100 bibles to new believers in the rurals of Asia: 1000 Chinese bibles to rural China and 100 Bahasa Malaysia bibles to Sabah, East Malaysia. Thank you to those who have contributed towards bible gifts for new rural Christians.
The distribution of bibles as of February 2018 is as follows:
Conversions Bibles
China over 62,000 24,500
Sarawak over 21,000 4,100
Sabah over 6,000 1,100
Myanmar over 16,900 1,000
Chinese New Village over 1,230 360
India/Bhutan over 2,100 300
Orang Asli over 600 500
Total 31,860
Much remains desired in terms of gifting new believers with the Word of God with over 115,000 conversions and only 31,860 bibles given for the work of grounding new Christians with God’s Word.
We plan to ship another 6,000 bibles this year: 4000 bibles to rural China @ Rm15, 1000 Bahasa Bibles to Sabah @ Rm40, and 1000 Bahasa and Iban Bibles to Sarawak @ Rm28.
Keen to send Bibles as gifts to rural new believers? Send your gift to MAP Partners Berhad, 16-1, Jalan Ara SD7/3B, Bandar Sri Damansara, 52200 Kuala Lumpur or bank into our Public Bank account: 3108884208 under MAP Partners Berhad.
Please scan to us your bank in slip by email: Thank you. God bless.
MAP 14th Staff Retreat

(Left to right): Low Jan Ni, Matthew Ngoh, Ooi Chin Aik, Albert Tang, Persis Lim
The MAP 14th Staff Retreat was held at Highland Christian Centre, Tanah Rata, Cameron Highlands, Pahang from 13 -14 October, 2017 under the theme: “Consolidating for Escalation Growth.”
Amidst the wonders of God’s creation and the refreshing hill resort, we praised God, prayed for greater blessings for 2018 and paused to give thanks for all that have been achieved in 2017 through 500 REAP Evangelists. Praise the Lord for:
Over 115,000 conversions to Christ in 13 countries of Asia,
Over 3.3 million gospel tracts distributed,
Over 33,000 baptisms,
Over 32,000 bibles given to new believers, and
Over 850 new rural churches planted.
We thank all the faithful prayer warriors and supporters and we give God all the glory.
Feedback from the MAP Staff on the Cameron Highlands Retreat include:
“In MAP, God has led us thus far. We believe He is with us and will bring us to fulfil Vision 2020 and Vision 2030. Praise God!”
Albert and Persis
“I thanked God for leading and guiding MAP all these years in our evangelising work. All future goals are possible with His leading.”
Low Jan Ni
“The 14th MAP Staff Retreat reminded us to keep on evangelising and witnessing for the Lord Jesus Christ in accordance to the Great Commission in Matthew 28: 18 -20.”
Matthew Ngoh