Whither Discipleship?

A concern in the trends of the contemporary modern church and Christian life is whether we are actually building deep committed followers of Jesus? The Great Commission in Matthew 28: 18-20 commissions the Church of Jesus Christ to “… go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” The attached promise of God’s empowering presence is in Mt. 28: 20, “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
A Committed follower of Jesus and a deep disciple, “must deny himself, and take up the cross and follow Jesus.” (Mt. 9: 9; Mk. 1: 7, 8: 34) Verbal confessions on the Lordship of Christ must be backed up by a growing journey committed in service for Christ, His kingdom, His gospel and His glory. He must increase and we must decrease. (Jn. 3: 30)
The acid test of discipleship is in one’s relationship to Christ is in one’s values and priorities in life that result in fruit bearing. (Jn. 15: 8) It goes beyond activities and talk. Disciples of Christ bear fruit for the glory of God – gospel fruits and disciple-making fruits.
Are Christians today more self-seeking or self-denying in order to bear fruit for the glory of God? Are church resources and programmes – from worship to teaching, challenging people towards cross-bearing and fruit-bearing for the glory of God?
The marks of intimate relationship with God, cross bearing sacrificial obedience, and fruit bearing in winning souls and making more deep disciples are sorely lacking in many a church. The Church must get back to the John 15. 7-8 intimate, obedient, fruit-bearing Christian Life
Make deep disciples.
Preaching Jesus at Christmas Events 2018

Whenever Jesus is preached, God will honour His Son in whom He is well pleased and lift all peoples irrespective of colour, creed and age unto Himself. (Rom. 1: 16) God’s Word proclaimed will not return to Him empty, but will achieve the purpose for which He sent it. (Is. 55: 11)
The MAP team of evangelists: Ooi Chin Aik, Albert Tang and Lydia Ooi continue to confirm the power of the gospel and the Word preached during the Christmas season of 2018.
Christmas Evangelistic Preaching of Jesus took place in both English and Chinese services in various churches across Malaysia and we praise God for the blessings as Jesus was preached as Saviour, Lord and Coming King.
Christmas Evangelistic Preaching of Jesus took place in both English and Chinese services in various churches across Malaysia and we praise God for the blessings as Jesus was preached as Saviour, Lord and Coming King.
We praise God for salvations, rededications, and prayers for healing and other needs. We pray that the seeds sown will continue to grow and bear fruit in the years ahead. All glory to God! Thanks to all involved.
REAP Sabah ~ Expanding Sowing and Harvesting
The MAP team comprising: Ooi Chin Aik, Albert Tang and Matthew Ngoh for the recently concluded REAP Missions Sabah in Kota Kinabalu on 10-13 January, 2019 saw a total of 15 new REAP Sabah evangelists trained and sent to the rural fields for sowing and harvesting. With that, the total harvest force in partnership with SIB Sabah stands at 65 REAP evangelists. Pray for more REAP supporters and more REAP evangelists to be sent to the ripening fields of rural Sabah in view of competing forces at work.
Evangelists were trained on Prayer and Evangelism, Literature evangelism, and on How to Defend and Confirm the Gospel (Christian Apologetics).
Literature given to the Evangelists for their work include:
i. ‘Four Spiritual Laws’ in Bahasa Malaysia – 1500 copies. |
ii. Bahasa Malaysia Bibles – 150 copies |
iii. Pembelaan (‘In Defence of’) by Paul Tan – 15 copies |
iv. Master Plan of Evangelism (Bahasa) by Robert Coleman – 15 copies |
v. Turning Faces Towards Heaven by Ooi Chin Aik – 15 copies |
Keen to join in the race against others to reach the unreached in Sabah and Sarawak? Support for 1 REAP Sabah or Sarawak evangelist is Rm200 per month or Rm2,400 per year. An individual, a cell-group, a church or fellowship can join hands to win the race for the gospel in the interiors of Sabah and Sarawak. A commitment to support 1 evangelist for 3 years will typically see about 50 conversions and one rural church planted. Prayerfully consider. Thanks.

Feedback from the REAP training programme participants include:

“I am ministering in a few locations and churches in Kudat. With MAP support I can serve God without worries about my daily needs. With this sponsorship, I also can do more trips for evangelism to the unreached in the interiors.” Pastor Albert Adampai
“The fellowship and the training energized me. With the additional monthly allowance of Rm200, I can now buy petrol for my motorbike without looking for another job and focus more on outreach work.” Roney Philip, 40 year-old Dusun, an evangelist who oversees 7 churches
Bible Gifts for New Believers

We rejoice in generous gifts from Christians globally towards gifting new believers in rural Asia with a complete Bible in the vernacular language. Thus far 35,000 bibles have been distributed across the countries listed below. An additional 1000 Chinese bibles will go to China in February 2019 and another 1000 of the same by May 2019. Prayerfully consider having practical fellowship with the new believers who need to feed on God’s Living Word.
The distribution of bibles as of January 31, 2019 was as follows:
Conversions | Bibles Given | |
China | over 65,000 | 27,500 |
Sarawak | over 27,000 | 4,200 |
Sabah | over 8,000 | 1,100 |
Myanmar | over 21,000 | 1,000 |
India/Bhutan | over 2,300 | 300 |
Chinese New Village | over 1,350 | 400 |
Orang Asli | over 600 | 500 |
Total | 35,000 |
We have over 140,000 conversions in 13 countries with only 35,000 bibles given to new believers. Keen to fellowship in sending bibles to new believers?
Chinese bibles cost Rm15 each, and Bahasa Malaysia bibles cost Rm30 each. Send your gift to: MAP Partners Berhad, 16-1, Jalan Ara SD7/3B, Bandar Sri Damansara, 52200 Kuala Lumpur or bank into our Public Bank Account: 3108884208 under MAP Partners Berhad. Designate “Bible gifts”. Please scan to us your bank in slip by email: mappartnersmal@gmail.com. Thank you. God bless.
15th MAP Staff Retreat 2018
Cameron Highlands, Pahang, 19-20 October, 2018

With 2019 as the beginning of a new 12 year cycle of exponential gospel advance for MAP, the 15th MAP Staff Retreat on 19-20 October, 2018 held in Highland Christian Centre, Cameron Highlands, Pahang, was themed: “Towards One Million Salvations by 2030.” Our dream is to ride on an exponential harvest from some 2000 REAP Evangelists in rural Asia to achieve by 2030: 1) Over 25 million receiving the gospel through tracts distribution, verbal sharing, use of proclaimers, etc., 2) Over 1 million to receive salvation in Christ, 3) Over 5000 new rural churches planted, and 4) Over 250,000 bibles given to new converts.
At the Retreat, we prayed, communicated, discussed and sought the Lord’s empowering as we, in the ensuing years, “attempt great things for God and expect great things from God.” (William Carey) We covet your continued prayers and practical fellowship for the greater glory of God in gospel and kingdom advance in Asia.
Feedback on the 15th Staff Retreat from the MAP Staff include:
“It was exciting to know the new goals of MAP for 2019-2030. I believe God’s hand has always been with us. Trust we will achieve bigger goals with His mighty power.” Lydia Ooi
“Towards One Million Salvations by 2030”. We need to have good and doable strategies focusing mainly on training, supporting, and sending out evangelists especially to East Malaysia where the needs are great. In God we trust and believe that it can be done.” Jan Ni Low
“May God help us to equip and mentor the next ‘Timothy’ generation of evangelism leaders to fulfil Luke 10:2 calling.” Albert & Persis Tang
“The retreat reminded me not to be weary but to be bold in proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ.” Matthew Ngoh
“Through this retreat, I learned areas of weakness that will motivate me to improve. It also creates bonding and fellowship for MAP Staff.” Evelyn Seet
Itinerary Highlights, February – April, 2019