Let the Lion Loose!

It was Charles Spurgeon who likened truth to be like a lion that needs no protection behind bars in a cage. When under attack, let the lion out of the cage. It is capable of defending itself!
In these last days, with so many competing truth claims, philosophies and ideologies, the Christian Church should not merely engage in apologetics alone, but proclaim the truth in God’s unchanging Word for such changing times.
God Himself has promised in Is. 55.11 that, “my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”
As we approach the coming Advent season let us resolve to make Christ who is “the way, and the truth, and the life” known to our neighbours, our friends and colleagues at work, our families and relatives, our nation and nations of the world. Let us resolve to multiply the work of sending workers of the kingdom to sow and to reap.” Remember this: “Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.” (2 Cor. 9.6)
Christ has come that we “may have life, and have it to the full.” (Jn. 10.10). Christ is risen, “so in Christ all will be made alive.” (1 Cor. 15.22). Christ will come again to consummate his salvation where, “There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” (Rev. 21.4)
Praise be to God!
Gospel Preaching
Taiping Full Gospel Businessmen’s Fellowship (FGB),
24th August, 2019

the Dinner event. All glory to God! Pray for good follow-up.

We give thanks to God for the evangelistic outreach dinner organized by Full Gospel Businessmen’s Fellowship, Taiping, on 24th August, 2019. Over 140 were present for the occasion, with many first time hearing the good news of Jesus Christ.
We had good food and fellowship, hearty worship and the proclamation of the gospel of Christ. Over 25 stood up and invited Christ as Saviour and Lord into their lives while many received prayers for healing. Thank you FGB Taiping for partnership in the gospel.
FGB members and other had done a great job in inviting many who had never heard of the gospel of Christ to the dinner. Encouraged by the fruit of the conversions, they are now considering having such gospel dinner events more frequently each year. An Organizing Committee member gave his feedback:
“For the FGB Bilingual Evangelistic Banquet Meeting in Soon Lee Restaurant, Taiping, many souls were saved and believed in Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord, and many received healing and wholeness.
To God be all the Glory!”
Raymond Beh Cheng Hooi, Organizing Committee, FGA Taiping.
REAP in Many Many Lands

We come to the close of 2019 with thanksgiving and gratitude to God for the work and fruit of REAP in many many lands (RMML).
The cumulative labour of 500 evangelists in 14 countries of Asia saw:
Over 156,000 conversions to Christ,
Over 4.8 million receiving the gospel of Christ,
Over 1,300 new rural churches planted, and
Over 39,000 bibles given to new converts.
To God be the glory! Thank you, one and all, who have prayed, given, encouraged, and partnered in the advance of Christ’s gospel.
“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” Matthew 24.14
REAP Myanmar ~ Moving Forward

A total of 10 new evangelists came for the training at Hmawbi, Yangon, Myanmar on 29 – 30th September, 2019. All of them will start outreach work in September 2019. With this new addition of 10, we are now supporting a total of 22 REAP Myanmar evangelists.
Topics covered in the training include:
1) ‘Effective Gospel Ministry’ by Albert Tang
2) ‘Disciples for Christ’ by Albert Tang
3) ‘How to Have a Clear Vision’ by Matthew Ngoh
4) ‘Building Spiritual Leaders’ by Edmund Chan.
22 copies of ‘Turning Faces Towards Heaven’ by Ooi Chin Aik and 500 copies of gospel tracts were given to the evangelists for further training and distribution.
Evangelist Jonathan gave his feedback:
“I took 2 days to travel from my place in Yangon. It is very helpful for me to have this training. It equips me in my ministry and refreshes me. Thank you for your concern and support in the ministry in Myanmar. May God bless you.”
The training ended with prayer led by Edmund Chan at 4pm, 30th August, 2019.

Standing from left to right: Indan, Markus, Pol, Jones, Azman, Mondon, Franky, Matthew.

Bible Gifts for New Believers

We are truly thankful to God for the bounteous harvest of souls from the work of REAP evangelists in 14 countries of Asia-Pacific. Over 156,000 came to Christ. 39,050 bibles have been given to the countries listed below as of November, 2019.
Conversions | Bibles Given | |
China | Over 69,000 | 31,500 |
Sarawak | Over 34,000 | 4,200 |
Sabah | Over 9,000 | 1,100 |
Myanmar | Over 23,000 | 1,000 |
India/Bhutan | Over 2,500 | 300 |
Chinese New Village | Over 1,400 | 400 |
Orang Asli | Over 800 | 550 |
Total | 39,050 |
We would like to send another 2,000 bibles to China to encourage the new believers this Christmas as gifts to them. Chinese bibles cost Rm15 each. Bahasa Malaysia Bibles cost Rm30 each. Keen to fellowship?
Send your gift to: MAP Partners Berhad, 16-1, Jalan Ara SD7/3B, Bandar Sri Damansara, 52200 Kuala Lumpur or bank into our Public Bank Account: 3108884208 under MAP Partners Berhad. Designate “Bible gifts”. Please scan to us your bank in slip by email: mappartnersmal@gmail.com. Thank you. God bless.
Forthcoming Events in 2020
February | REAP Missions, Sarawak |
March | Launch 1st Module of Asian Institute of Contemporary Christianity (AICC) |
May | REAP Philippines |
June | REAP Chinese Modular Training (RCMT 8), MAP Premises and MBTS, Penang. 2nd Module of Asian Institute of Contemporary Christianity |
July | Ministry in Melbourne and Perth, Australia |
August | Launch MAP in Europe – Theological Training and Urban Ministries |
September | Launch REAP Laos 3rd Module of Asian Institute of Contemporary Christianity |
October | MAP 20th Anniversary Thanksgiving Dinner |
November | Final 4th Module of Asian Institute of Contemporary Christianity Ministry in Melbourne and Sydney, Australia |
December | Evangelistic Preaching in Malaysia. |