A New Season of Service
The double context of Post-Covid-19 recovery phase globally and my personal context of recovery from a brain surgery for a blood clot, has certainly called for discernment in ministry applications to advance the gospel of Christ at so many different levels: national, regional, international and personal.
Thanks be to God for returning health and energy and all your prayers on my behalf. As I have had time to rest and reflect on future ministry directions and applications in the new season, the words: “keep in step with the Spirit.” (Gal. 5:25) and “struggling with all his energy, which so powerfully works in me.” (Col. 1:29) come to mind to point the way forward.
Your continued prayers, fellowship and support will be greatly appreciated. (Phil. 1: 3-5)
To God be the glory!
International Brethren Conference on Mission 8 ( IBCM 8) Global Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 19-24 June, 2023.

Dr. Ooi Chin Aik, MAP Founder and International Director, teaching and sharing testimonies at IBCM 8 on: “Effective Evangelism in the New Century.” Many new friends were made across the nations. In God’s time we pray these friendships will grow into strategic partnerships for His cause.

Cultural Night at IBCM 8, Kuala Lumpur. With the Bahamians and Carribean delegates. A joy to renew fellowship ties with them. Gus (3rd from right) from the Bahamas met me in 2015 IANA Missions Conference in Nassau.

With Tariq from Pakistan at IBCM 8, Kuala Lumpur. REAP Pakistan will be launched in 1 September 2023 with 2 evangelists, making Pakistan MAP’s 14th REAP nation in Asia.
Keen to support REAP evangelists in Pakistan – a restricted access country? Support for each evangelist costs RM200 per month/Rm2,400 per year. Contact Jan Ni at the MAP office: 603-62767510.

“Dear Dr. Ooi Chin Aik,
It was really nice meeting you and your dear wife at the IBCM 8 Conference.
I was particularly grateful that I bought your book “Turning Faces Towards Heaven”. It touched me as that’s my heartbeat to turn many faces towards Heaven.
In a small way, God has opened avenues for me to turn small faces towards heaven through Good News Club, Sunday School and now as I run an orphanage called Renewed Hope Children’s Village. I have 14 children in the facility and have an orphanage school where we have all the opportunity to spread the gospel. The Orphanage is a mission place. Pray with us that the Lord may provide resources to construct another house to accommodate more orphans and vulnerable children. I am reading your book. God richly bless you.”
Annie from Africa
MAP REAP Sabah Mission, 3-5 April 2023
MAP and Bright Hope World (BHW) had a joint mission trip graciously organized by SIB Sabah to visit the mission fields and encourage the local evangelists for a greater mission. One of the main aims is to get feedback on their challenges and the resources needed to continue their mission of evangelizing and discipling the communities.

From the left: Rev. Pelimon (mission coordinator), Rev. Agong Sakai (Vice President and Mission Head for Sabah SIB), Mr. Kevin Honore (New Partnership Facilitator of Bright Hope World), Ps. Jerry Ignacio (Pastor and incumbent mission coordinator) and Mr. Steven Yam (Associate Evangelist of MAP).

First left: Ps. Jaimis (evangelist) and third left: Rev. Omrinus (evangelist and Keningau area mission head of SIB).
We began at Liau Darat at Keningau (2 hours drive from Kota Kinabalu), where Rev. Omrinus brought many souls to Christ and established the Gunung Hermon church. The couple (the sixth and seventh from the left) are the outcome of the evangelism effort where they believed in Jesus in January 2023 and were recently baptized. The business owner, Mr. Francis (the third person from the right), another evangelism fruit is now actively spreading the gospel. Rev. Omrinus tells us about the constant task of reminding the believers of the gospel to keep their faith and fight in Christ, as falling away happens frequently and rapidly.

First right: Ps. Junik (evangelist) and second right: Ps. Sius (church leader of Liau Darat Church)
Labak Baru is another mission field we visited. Alcohol addictions keep many from committing their lives to Christ. Although it is an uphill task, Ps. Junik is convinced that the grace of God is more powerful than any addiction there is in the community and will continue the fight to evangelise the community. Currently, the church is about 100 members, and more are adding to it.

Photo with the local church leaders and Ps. Esterika (fourth from left in the front row and the first female evangelist pastor in Keningau)
The last mission field we visited was the Murut people at Kuala Biah. Here, although Ps. Esterika is relatively new to the area, she has alrady helped to bring 4 souls to Christ. With the help of the local leaders, Ps. Esterika continues to be passionate about reaching more with the gospel of Christ among the Murut people.
In summary, our REAP evangelists have to constantly battle the rise of external forces to lure the communities away from Christianity, and at the same time, trying to help their community to overcome a certain addiction and rejection of the gospel amid the concerns of their livelihood.
MAP has been assisting many such evangelists, but many more need our help. The RM200 monthly allowance is precious to the rural evangelists as it enables them to carry on their fight with one less concern in mind. If you are moved to help in this area, consider supporting REAP (rural Evangelist Adoption Program) by sponsoring the rural evangelists. Contact MAP office, Jan Ni, at 603-62767510.
International Disciple Making Conference (IDMC) at Malaysia Bible Seminary, 12-15 July, 2023
Over 220 pastors, missionaries and leaders from across the entire spectrum of the Malaysian Church came together at MBS campus for the first time ever International Disciple Making Conference (IDMC) by MBS on 12-15 July, 2023.
Rev. Edmund Chan, Founder, Global Alliance International Disciple Making churches, was the keynote speaker, together with a broad spectrum of Malaysian church and missions leaders.

Dr. Ooi Chin Aik spoke at the Morning Devotion of IDMC at MBS to the broad spectrum of pastors and Christian leaders from Evangelicals, Pentecostals and Charismatics, Mainline denominational churches, including Roman Catholics on: “Ministry Flows Out of the Love for Our Neighbours.” 2 Cor. 5: 14-15, Lk. 10:25-37. Pray that the Lord will add His blessings to the 3 main points of the message: 1. We need to Cross Over to the neighbours in need, 2. We need to have Compassion on the destitute neighbours, and 3. We need to have Christ’s love that Compels us out of our comfort zone.

Speaker’s appreciation gift by the President of Malaysia Bible Seminary (MBS), Dr. Jason Lim, at International Disciple-making Conference (IDMC) July 11-15, 2023, MBS.
Rev. Edmund Chan-the main IDMC speaker, has decades of pastoral experience and is passionate about building deep disciples globally. He has much wisdom to impart to the audience and insights through his many books on: Discipleship and Christian Spirituality. Praise God for such a humble servant leader and the impact on so many across the nations.

Left to Right: Rev. Edmund Chan, Dr. Ooi Chin Aik and Lydia
Networking and fellowship with Prof. Dato Dr. Tan Chong Tin, Chairman of MBS, and his beloved wife Irene Yek. As a Consultant Neurologist, Dr. Tan gave me good medical advice and counsel as I make progress from post subdural haemotomia surgery (blood clot) recovery. Praise God for Dr. Tan’s expertise and concern.

Left to Right: Lydia Ooi, Dr. Ooi Chin Aik, Dr. Tan Chong Tin, Irene Yek
Building relationships and friendships are keys to more impactful ministries.
It was good to renew fellowship ties with Dr. Philip Lyn, Founding Senior Pastor of Skyline Sidang Injil Borneo (SIB) Church and his beloved wife Nancy. I knew and worked together with Philip since 1991.

Left to Right: Lydia Ooi,Dr. Ooi Chin Aik, Dr. Philip Lyn, Nancy Lyn

With Dr. Timothy S’ng (left), my consultant Neurologist and my latest partner in the ministry, and Tram Epoi, MAP REAP Sarawak Coordinator.
Pray for the IDMC Committee as they meet to plan IDMC 2 (November 2024) and build on the momentum of the first IDMC in 2023. May more fruitful partnerships and collaborations be the result of the conference to the glory of God.
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Ipoh Church Camp at Cameron Highlands, 3-5 June, 2023
Both Lydia and 1 are privileged to be at the St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Ipoh Church Camp held at Century Pines Resort, Tanah Rata, Cameron Highlands on 3-5 June, 2023.
It was my fourth occasion and joy to be the church’s camp speaker and to renew physical fellowship ties with many old friends and getting to know new ones. I taught 3 sessions on the theme: “Ministry is About Loving and Fearing God”, the chosen theme for the church for 2023. Below is a feedback from Elder Paul Chan:
“Our camp speaker was Pastor Dr. Ooi Chin Aik from MAP. Speaking on the importance of how ministries are linked to loving and fearing God, Pastor Ooi reminded us of how our ministries were to be effective in that they would have to go along these lines. Commitment and obedience to the Word of God were indeed insightful points as Pastor Ooi shared his vast experience with us.
It was a powerful 3 days of sharing that impacted us to have continued perseverance in our own ministries.
Thank you, Pastor Ooi. To God be the glory!”
Elder Paul Chan, St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church Ipoh.

Lydia Ooi, my wife and co-worker in MAP, with Dr. Ooi Chin Aik at the Century Pines Resort, Cameron Highlands

A happy church and family camp for St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church Ipoh in the cool and refreshing Tanah Rata, Cameron Highlands.

Enjoying the warm fellowship of Dr. Goh and his wife Agnes in Tanah Rata, Cameron Highlands.