Hope To Declare at Christmas

Christmas 2023 was a good occasion to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ – God became flesh. “The Word become flesh and made his dwelling among us.” (Jn. 1: 14) As God incarnate, Jesus revealed God to us. (Jn. 1: 18).
In a volatile, uncertain, and broken world, we continue to celebrate and declare the hope that is for all who would trust and believe in Jesus as the Saviour of the world and the promise of the abundant life now (Jn. 10: 10) and eternal life in God’s unhindered presence (Jn. 3: 16)
We thank God that for each Christmas, MAP in partnership with the local churches, continue to sow and reap salvations for Christ. Praise God for the harvest of over 12 souls in 2023 Christmas evangelistic preaching in Faith City Church, Petaling Jaya and in SIB KLCC (Bilingual Service) in Bandar Sri Damansara.

Christmas preaching on 10 December 2023 at Faith City Church, Petaling Jaya. 6 came to the Lord with a family of 4 receiving Christ together. Praise God!

Altar call for 6 salvations on 25 December 2023 at SIBKLCC. A family of 3 came forward to receive Christ.

Thank God for MAP Associate Evangelist Lydia Ooi who interpreted the message into Mandarin. Pray for Ps. Inky Ong and church in the follow-up of the new believers.

Gospel preaching by Rev. Albert Tang on the Christmas banquet at Kampung Kitchen Restaurant, Kuala Lumpur. organized by Melawati Gospel Chapel (Chinese), on 25 December, 2023.
About 80 people attended the banquet. The meeting ended with the sinners’ prayer led by Rev. Albert Tang. Pray for the church to follow-up.
REAP Pakistan at Christmas 2023
We are delighted to report that the 3 REAP Pakistan evangelists we supported beginning 1 October 2023 have been doing outreach during Christmas 2023 for Christ and reaped 30 new converts. All praise to God!
Keep Pakistan – a restrictive country in your prayers and the follow-up of the 30 new believers. Thank you.

REAP in Many Many Lands: Work in Progress
With the launch of REAP Pakistan as our 14th REAP country on 1st October 2023, we are exploring the possibility of sowing into Kyrgyzstan as MAP’s 15th REAP country in 2024. Do keep us in prayer and support as we sow to reap for the kingdom of God. (2 Cor. 9: 6; Lk. 10: 2)

As of 29th February 2024.the collective labour of 411 REAP evangelists in 14 countries of Asia saw:
Over 6.4 million given the gospel through tracts and verbal sharing,
Over 220,000 conversions to Christ,
Over 63,000 baptized,
2,230 churches planted, and
55,400 Bibles sent for new believers in the local languages.
Praise God for the latest 1,200 Chinese Bibles sent to the new believers in rural China from November 2023 – January 2024. Keep us in prayer as we press on in sowing, reaping, planting churches, and building disciples in the different countries of Asia. Let us advance God’s cause together. (Mt. 28: 18-20) Thank you.
Speaking at the 37th Missions Conference of Grace Community Church, Nassau, The Bahamas, on 10-17 March, 2024

Since my first visit and speaking at Grace Community Church in Nassau, The Bahamas, in 2022, the Missions Committee of the church has been fully supportive of MAP Evangelistic and Church Planting Missions in Rural Evangelists Adoption Programme (REAP) and praying weekly for MAP. We give thanks for such steadfast friendship and partnership in the gospel. (Phil.1:3-5).
On 10-17 March 2024, Lydia and I will be in Nassau, The Bahamas, as missionaries to renew physical fellowship ties with the saints there and for me to speak at the church’s 37th Missions Conference.
Do uphold us in prayer for safe travels, good health and anointing in ministry in The Bahamas. On 24th March 2024, I will be preaching at the Evangelistic Temole (ET).
Let us pray for mighty blessings on the missionary endeavours of the churches in the Bahamas. Thank you.
MAP Diploma of Evangelism Leadership (Dip. EL) 2024
To remain on the cutting edge in a fast changing world, we need to continue to learn, equip, and practise evangelism and evangelism leadership.
This is what MAP Dip. EL seeks to do for church, ministry, evangelists, and evangelism leaders in Malaysia.
For the Dip. EL training programme, all participants can either work towards the Diploma of Evangelism Leadership comprising 4 Modular and Interactive Lectures (40 hours), 20 hours of Book Review, and 60 hours of Practical Project or be awarded a Certificate of Participation by attending and participating in all 4 Modules of Interactive Lectures (40 hours). The cost of the one year Dip. EL is RM1,500 inclusive of lectures, lecture notes, lunch and tea-breaks.

Ministries For Asia Pacific
MAP Partners Berhad, 16-1, Jalan Ara SD 7/3B, Bandar Sri Damansara, 52200 Kuala Lumpur
Public Bank Account: 3108884208 under MAP Partners Berhad