Enlarging MAP Ministries Globally
We give thanks to God for a strategic ministry base in London, UK to enlarge the tent of MAP missions in the United Kingdom and Europe, having spoken at Acts Church London on 8 September 2024 and Chinese Church in London (CCIL) on 15 and 22 September 2024.
There is now a standing invitation to return for ministry in Acts Church in London, Oxford, Bristol and Edinburgh, and CCIL to preach and conduct a special Forum on Biblical Eschatology. Thank you for your prayers and thank you Acts Church London and Chinese Church in London for your open doors to minister and warm hospitality. Praise be to God for the ministry in UK and from the UK to Europe in the years ahead.

Research and Publication on Revelation

Praise God for a very fruitful time of research and writing at Tyndale House, Cambridge, UK on: “Revelation: A Study Guide on Holy War and Victory.” Part 2 of the book on five overview essays covering major topics of debate. Interpretative Approaches, the 144,000, Antichrist and False Prophet, Gog and Magog War, and the Millennium is completed.
Part 1 with Introduction and 22 Study Guides with Questions for Discussions is also completed for the forthcoming publication in June 2025. The Study Guide is targeted for all Christians especially cell group leaders to read and grasp the meaning and message of the Apocalypse (Revelation) with applications in these challenging end times enroute to Christ’s return. Pray for the editing and review of the Study Guide by Professors and church leaders towards publication. Thank you.
REAP Launch in Kurdistan – January 2025
We give thanks to a godly sister in Malaysia who has responded to the appeal to support the first two REAP Kurdistan evangelists effective January 2025. REAP Kurdistan represents MAP’s contribution to reach the billions of unreached in rural Asia, Kurdistan being our 15th REAP nation. Thank you sister and praise God for your heart for the lost and needy in rural Asia. As of 15 October 2024, the work of 394 REAP evangelists in 14 countries of Asia yielded the following results.
- Over 6.6 million received the gospel via tracts and verbal sharing,
- Over 234,000 conversions to Christ,
- Over 67,500 baptised,
- Over 2,390 churches planted, and
- 55,875 Bibles sent for new believers.
God willing we will launch REAP Laos in 2025/2026 bringing REAP to 16 nations in Asia. For 1 Evangelist, the support is RM200 per month or RM2400 per year. Keen to support REAP Laos? Contact: Rev. Albert Tang at 603-62767510 or email MAP at mappartnersmal@gmail.com
Bibles for New Converts Update
We give thanks for your support in prayers and giving, leading to many hundreds of thousands reached in the rurals of Asia with the gospel of Christ. Now in 15 countries of rural Asia, our priority fields include: China, Malaysia, Indonesia, Myanmar, and India. We aim to give Bibles in the local languages to the new converts as gifts. As of 15 October, 2024 the new number of converts and Bibles given in the priority fields are:
Priority Countries | No. of Conversions | Bible Sent |
China | 95,468 | 41,420 |
Malaysia | 70,726 | 12,150 |
Indonesia | 7,661 | 0 |
Myanmar | 39, 576 | 1,000 |
India | 3,547 | 320 |
Keen to give Bibles to new converts as gifts in the above missions fields? Each new Bible gift for Christmas 2024 costs about RM30. We have sent an extra 300 Bibles to China in September 2024 and another 200 new Bibles will be sent in December in 2024. Every gift counts in terms of Bibles for the new converts.
You can send the gift earmarked for Bibles designated for the above countries to: MAP Partners Berhad, 16-1, Jalan Ara SD 7/3B, Bandar Sri Damansara, 52200 Kuala Lumpur or bank into our Public Bank Account: 3108884208 under MAP Partners Berhad. Designate “Christmas Bibles gifts”. Please scan to us your bank in slip by email: mappartnersmal@gmail.com. Thank you. God bless.
For the Pacific, send to: MAP Partners (Aust) Inc. Evangelical Community Church, 14-16 Courtstreet, Boxhill Vic 3128, Australia or bank into BSB number: 013 225, Account number: 1980 29684, ANZ Banking Group Ltd. Please scan and send bank in slip to How Yit Meng at howyitmeng@gmail.com.
Missions Trip to Chinese New Villages in Sungei Siput, Perak
MAP Senior Associate Evangelist, Rev. Albert Tang, led a team of six brothers and sisters from Acts Church, Selangor for a short term missions to Chinese New Villages in Sungei Siput, Perak on 10 – 11 August 7, 2024.
The team went house to house sharing the good news, gave gospel tracts and prayed for the sick and needy. Praise God for 3 salvations. Thank you Acts Church for your presence and partnership in the gospel.
Keen to join us on short-term missions to Chinese New Villages in Peninsula Malaysia? Contact Rev. Albert Tang at MAP Office: 603-62767510 for details. Thank you.
Intentional Disciple Making Conference (IDMC) 2 at Malaysia Bible Seminary (MBS)

I had the privilege of conducting a workshop on: “Pioneer Evangelism and Discipleship to the Rural Unreached in Asia” at the MBS IDMC (2) on 20 – 23 August, 2024 to about 100 students (plus online) from Malaysia, India, China, and other nations.
We give thanks to God for the leadership of MBS for convening this strategic and important IDMC (2) as a follow through on IDMC (1) in 2023. Do pray for the seeds sown and the strategic networking at IDMC (2) to bear much fruit in the near future for God’s glory. Thank you.

MAP Diploma of Evangelism (Dip. EL) Module 3
16 – 17 August 2024

Standing Left to Right: Teck Kian, Benjamin, Gurmeet Kaur, Chi Haw, Matthew Ngoh, Sian Huai, Brendon
Praise God for the completion of MAP Dip. El Module 3 with 10 students, of which 3 Myanmar workers in Malaysia are fully sponsored by MAP.
Module 4 for 2024 will be held on 1 – 2 November, 2024 focusing on Evangelism Leadership in local churches, Christian Fellowships, and amongst the Tribal Peoples and Orang Aslis in Malaysia. Modules 4 for Dip. EL upon completion will see the second batch of 10 students completing the Dip. EL programme.
Keen to further equip yourself and your ministry leaders in Evangelism and Evangelism Leadership in 2025? Contact MAP Office: Rev. Albert Tang, 603-62767510
Forthcoming in 2025
- Publication of New Book on: “Revelation: A Study Guide on Holy War and Victory” in June 2025.
- REAP Missions Launch in REAP Kurdistan January 2025 and REAP Laos in August 2025.
- Church Camp Speaker with Daya Gospel Centre, Johor Bahru, 31 May – 2 June, 2025.
- Ministry in Melbourne and Sydney Australia in August 2025.
- Christmas Evangelistic Preaching in December 2025
Itinerary Highlights October – December, 2024.
November | |
1-2 | MAP Diploma of Evangelism Module 4 lectures (OCA, AT) |
3 | Sunday Preaching, Jalan Tiga Gospel Hall (Bilingual), 9.00am (OCA) |
9 | Preaching at Lighthouse Charismatic Church, Sungai Petani, 10.30 am (OCA, LO) |
10 | Sunday Preaching, Praise Baptist Church, Bandar Sri Damansara, Kuala Lumpur, 9.00am (OCA) |
17 | Sunday Preaching, Evangelical Community Church, Holland Road, Melbourne, Australia, 9.00am, Courstreet at 10.30am (OCA) |
23 | Preaching, Daya Gospel Centre, Johor Bahru, Chinese, 9.30am (AT) |
24 | Sunday Preaching, Acts Church, Melbourne, Australia, 9.00am (OCA) |
December | |
1 | Sunday Preaching, Grace Christian Church, Sydney, English 9.00am, Chinese 2.00pm (OCA) |
8 | Sunday Preaching, Full Gospel Assembly Cheras, 10.00am (OCA) |
14 | Christmas Evangelistic Preaching, Kingdom Citizens Church, Penang,7.00pm (OCA) |
15 | Sunday Christmas Evangelistic Preaching, St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Pengkalan, Ipoh, 7.00pm Bilingual (OCA, LO) |
20 | Christmas Evangelistic Preaching, Air Jernih Presbyterian Church (AJPC), Kuala Terengganu, 10.00am (OCA) |
22 | Christmas Evangelistic Preaching, Shalom Fellowship, Kuantan, 10.00am (OCA). Christmas Evangelistic Preaching, First Assembly of God, Teluk Intan, Perak, 11.00am (AT) |
Kuala Lumpur Office: MAP PARTNERS BHD (537022-W) 16-1, Jalan Ara SD 7/3B, Bandar Sri Damansara, 52200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel:03-6276 7510, Email: mappartnersmal@gmail.com, Website: http://www.maplink-web.org.
Melbourne Office: MAP PARTNERS (AUST) INC. (No. A 0041872 B), 19-23 Holland Road, Blackkburn South Vic 3130, Australia.