Turning Faces Towards Heaven
Turning Faces Towards Heaven
MAP is today 20 years old with its fair share of adventures, struggles, and victories. We want to put on record some significant lesions learnt in the decade long journeying together – lessons particularly on faith, perseverance and obedience. God did not give us a 20 year blueprint for the gospel advance in advance. He simply called us out to walk with Him and keep trusting Him day by day. I trust this relational aspect of trusting Him day by day. I trust this relational aspect of trusting in Him, moment by moment, will encourage you to do the same. Our desire and hope is that the record of God’s providential leading and His goodness through MAP will serve as an inspiration for all future aspiring evangelists and for you the reader. Part One of the book seeks to do that.
Part Two of the book: Themes For Gospel Advance, seeks to press onto the readers, the urgency of the tasks with an end-time perspective, and call God’s people to reflect and act in the ‘Study Guide’ section. Part Three: Gospel Advance In The 21st Century, seeks to present global and regional missiological trends and challenges for our time, in the hope that readers and churches can develop a global perspective for gospel advance in the ‘worst and best of times’.
My prayer and hope is that God will be pleased to use this book to stir and mobilise His Church to take the gospel to every person in every part od the our world, and in so doing, be God’s instrument in, “Turning Faces Towards Heaven”. Everyone can advance the gospel. Everyone should!
Ooi Chin Aik
Founder and President Ministers for Asia Pacific (MAP)
What Christian Leaders Around the World Say
Dr. Michael Green
Professor of Evangelism and Apologetics, Oxford University, United Kingdom.
The only valuable books about evangelism are those written by practising evangelists. So I hail Chin Aik Ooi’s account of the massive growth of his evangelistic movement, and the chapters later in the book on how we can all become engaged in practical evangelism ourselves. Asia is on the cutting edge of world evangelism today. He has over 200 evangelists working in ten countries. Learn from an expert!
Dr. Patrick Sookhdeo
International Director, Barnabas Fund, United Kingdom.
Chin Aik’s passion for souls and his broad vision for world mission will be an inspiration to many. Part biographical and part analysis of mission trends and opportunities facing the Church today, it is a book which will be not only an encouragement to the reader but also a useful source of information about current and future developments in mission. I warmly commend the book.
Dr. W. Ward Gasque
Founding Member of Faculty of Regent College (Vancouver); English Pastor of Richmond Chinese Alliance Church, Canada.
Ooi Chin Aik has been true to the heavenly vision the Lord gave him in his student days. His vision is to equip all of God’s people to share the good news clearly and effectively with their relatives ….. His focus has been on Asia, but his vision is for the world.
Rev. Dr. Eu Hong Seng
Senior Pastor, Full Gospel Tabernacle, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia; Chairman, National Evangelical Christian Fellowship, Malaysia.
When an individual is passionate about obeying God’s commandment, we can expect nothing less than great and mighty things to happen for the Kingdom of God. Ooi Chin Aik chose to obey despite the costs. His burden for lost souls, coupled with his ardent fervour for the advancement of the Gospel is a desperately-needed trait in the Church more than ever before.
Dr. Daniel Ho
Senior Pastor,
Damansara Utama Methodist Church (DUMC), Petaling Jaya, Malaysia.
Combining passion and purpose, we see Chin Aik’s heart poured out for the gospel in Asia Pacific in this captivating account. You will be blessed and inspired as you read it.
Dr. Lee Soo Ann
Former General Secretary,
Bible Society of Singapore 1990-2003; fellow student with Ooi Chin Aik in Regent College 1988-1990.
An inspiring testimony to the power of God’s Word and God’s call to an outstanding Christian. A must for all aspiring evangelists!
Rev. Albrecht Hauser
Retired Mission Secretary of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Wuerttemberg, Germany.
I am deeply convinced that the great epoch of world mission and evangelism is not behind us but rather before us and that the Lord of harvest will use ministries like MAP and persons like Ooi Chin Aik to share this vision and to advance the Gospel in our time and age.
About the Author

Ooi Chin Aik is the Founder and President of Ministries for Asia Pacific (MAP) – a fellowship of over 500 preaching and equipping evangelists in Asia Pacific and beyond. For over 30 years, he has been engaged in full-time Bible teaching and gospel preaching in churches and missions conferences around the world.
Chin Aik is the author of two books: “Turning Faces Towards Heaven” and “Final Rewards in Paul’s Thoughts”. He has completed a Ph.D in Theology with the Asia Graduate School of Theology.