REAP in Many Many Lands (RMML) Update
At MAP we continue to prioritize reaching the unreached in Asia through the Rural Evangelists Adoption Programme (REAP) targeting the unreached rural regions of Asia.
Since the inception of REAP in 2006 in rural China with the first 16 REAP China evangelists, we have expanded to 14 countries of Asia today with over 400 REAP supporters. The cumulative labour of these REAP evangelists together with the prayers of God’s people worldwide have seen as of July 2024 the following:
- Over 6.5 million received gospel tracts and verbal sharing
- Over 228,000 conversions to Christ
- Over 66,000 baptisms
- Over 2,300 rural churches planted, and
- Over 55,600 Bibles given to the new believers.
Praise be to God! Thanks to the faithful REAP supporters, the prayers of the saints, and the MAP team growing and managing the fruitful REAP Outreach in Asia.
The unfinished task in Asia calls for our continued prayers, support and sending more workers into the unreached fields. Asia’s population is projected to be 4.7 billion by 2025 with 66% (3.1 billion) of Asians living in the rural regions. The rurals of Asia remain one of the greatest challenge for world evangelization.
In October 2024, MAP plans to launch REAP among the Kurdish peoples in West Asia in partnership with a Malaysian missionary serving amongst them. MAP will coordinate the training materials. The cost of supporting 1 REAP Kurdistan evangelist is RM200 per month or RM2,400 per year as stipend.
Keen to be a partner in the harvest amongst the Kurds? Contact: Rev. Albert Tang or Jan Ni at the MAP office phone: 603-62767510.
The support either monthly/quarterly or yearly can be sent to. Write a cheque and sent to:
MAP Partners Berhad, 16-1, Jalan Ara SD7/3B, Bandar Sri Damansara, 52200, Kuala Lumpur, WP Malaysia
OR you can direct credit to:
Public Bank Berhad (SS2 Branch, PJ) MAP Partners Berhad Account : 3108884208.
Please send your bank in details to for receipt and MAP reference. Thank you.
All blessings as we stretch in missions sowing for the gospel of Christ and His kingdom. (Js. 55: 11)
REAP Chinese New Village (CNV) Team Missions Training in August
MAP will conduct a REAP CNV Missions Trip with Acts Church in partnership with St. Philip’s Church, Sungei Siput, Perak on 10-11 August, 2024. Pray for a fruitful time of training, resourcing, and encouragement to the rural believers and that more will be forthcoming to support more REAP CNV evangelists for greater sowing and harvesting.

Father’s Day Worship Service at the Kaki Bukit Baptist Church, Perlis, on 16 June 2024.
As of July 2024 MAP supports 9 REAP CNV evangelists in the 6 different states of Peninsular Malaysia: Selangor, Negeri Sembilan, Pahang, Perak, Penang and Perlis. The combined labour of 9 REAP CNV evangelists as of July 2024 saw:
Over 150,000 receiving the gospel in tracts and verbal sharing, Over 2,100 conversions to Christ, Over 400 baptisms, Over 14 rural churches planted, and 685 Chinese Bibles given to the new believers.
Support for each REAP CNV evangelist as a stipend in partnership with the local church is RM200 per month or RM2400 per year. Keen to help support REAP CNV evangelist? Contact: Rev. Albert Tang or Jan Ni at MAP Office: 603-62767510. Write a cheque and sent to:
MAP Partners Berhad,
16-1, Jalan Ara SD7/3B,
Bandar Sri Damansara,
52200 Kuala Lumpur, WP, Malaysia.
Or you can direct credit to: Public Bank Berhad (SS2 Branch, PJ), MAP Partners Berhad Account: 3108884208.
Please send your bank in details to for receipt and MAP reference. Thank you.
If we saw sparingly, we will reap sparingly, and if we sow generously, we will reap generously. (2 Cor. (9: 6)
MAP Diploma of Evangelism (Dip. EL)
Module 2 – 28 – 29 June, 2024

We give thanks for the second batch of Dip. EL students trained in MAP Dip. EL Module Two focusing on: “Historical and Contemporary Movements in Evangelism.” Sessions covered together with time for Questions and Answers include:
- Dr. Ooi Chin Aik: “Ministry is About Loving God. (Part I).”
- Mr. Ritchie Tay – President of Haggai Institute, Malaysia on: “Transitioning a Local Church to a Kingdom Church.”
- Dr. Ooi Chin Aik and Rev. Albert Tang: “REAP in Many Many Lands.”
- Dr. Ooi Chin Aik: “Ministry Flows Out of Love for Our Neighbours. (Part 2).”
- Ps. Andrew Ng and Dr. Ng Oi Leng – Directors of EL Shaddai, Malaysia on: “Effective Migrants Outreach.”
Thanks to all who have prayed and contributed. Pray for the ongoing work of equipping God’s servants of the kingdom for more effective ministry in Malaysia and beyond. The focus of MAP Dip. EL is about evangelism and evangelism leadership through 4 Modules in a year.
We encourage you to invest in the training from cutting-edge field lecturers who have much to impart and inspire towards evangelism movements for God’s glory. Keen? Contact: Rev. Albert Tang or Low Jan Ni. MAP Office Phone : 603-62767510 or MAP email:
Research and Ministry in the UK
September 4 – 25, 2024
Lydia and I will be in the United Kingdom for research writing at Tyndale House, Cambridge, UK from September 9 – 21, 2024 towards the forthcoming publication on: “Studies on Revelation” in May/June 2025.
Over the Sunday weekends, we will be ministering God’s Word in London on the following dates:
• Sunday 8 September 2024 – Preaching on: “Missions Advance in the End-Times” at Acts Church, London
• Sundays 15 and 22 September 2024 – Preaching: “Exposition on Romans 5 (Part I and Part II)” at the Truth and Grace Chinese Church in London.
We look forward to research, ministry of God’s Word, and renewing physical fellowship ties with old friends in the UK and making new ones as we enlarge the tent of gospel advance globally.
Keep us in prayer for safe journey, good health, God’s favour and anointing come September 4 – 25, 2024 in Cambridge and London, UK. Thank you.