Prayer File: Slovakia
Territory: | 49,000 sq. km |
Number of inhabitants: | 5.4 mil. |
Capital city: | Bratislava (428,700) |
Nationalities: | Slovak (85.8%), Hungarian (9.7%), Roma (1.7%) |
Religions: | Roman Catholics – 68.9%, |
Lutherans –6.9%, | |
Evangelicals – 1% |
Pray for:
Spiritual renewal of churches and Christians inSlovakia.The majority of the inhabitants profess Christianity, but they are only nominal Christians.
- Unity between Christians in Slovakia—that they work together in reaching and witnessing to peoples in Slovakia.
- Christian families—that they be protected by the Lord and be used as bases for discipling the new generation.
- New workers, who would plant new churches in places where no living church exists.
- People involved in the project: “Bible on the Wheel”, where the gospel is taken to the cities and villages through Van4Life.