REAP Sarawak: Speeding On
February 13-15, 2020
Three members of the MAP REAP Missions Sarawak team: Ooi Chin Aik, Albert Tang and Matthew Ngoh were in Kuching from 13-15 February, 2020 to train 14 new REAP Sarawak evangelists bringing the total supported REAP Sarawak evangelists to 110. Praise God for the rich harvest of over 34,000 conversions to Christ in the rural longhouses and over 300 new churches planted thus far.
The topics covered in the training include:
1. “What is REAP?” by Albert Tang
2. “Gospel Challenges in the End Times” by Ooi Chin Aik
3. “Discipling New Believers” by Albert Tang
4. “Christian Apologetics” by Matthew Ngoh
5. “Using the “Proclaimer” for Outreach” by Robia from FGBMF.
20 copies each of “Pembelaan”, “The Master Plan of Evangelism (in Bahasa Malaysia), “Turning Faces Towards Heaven”, and 100 copies of the “Alkitab” BM Bibles were given to the evangelists to assist them in their gospel ministry.
The training ended with a time of intercession led by MAP President Ooi Chin Aik at 6 pm, 15 February, 2020.
Feedback on the Training Sessions include:
“I serve in the interior of Sarawak, where most of the folks live in longhouses and are idols worshippers. Some villages have not heard the gospel before. In my ministry, most of the time I need to travel by motorboat. The cost to travel by boat is very expensive. Each time I go out, the transport alone will cost me about Rm100. The REAP support helps me to do more evangelism. Thank you.”
Evangelist Michael
“The training really helps me in evangelism, especially the teaching has been an eye-opener for me. It equips me to explain the gospel to the non-believers. Thanks for the literature and the Bibles, which help us in doing discipleship.”
Evangelist Yehesekiel
“These 2 days of training have renewed my call to evangelise, baptize and building churches. With the support that I receive, I hope to multiply the ministries in my area and save more souls. Thank you for your partnership in the gospel.”
Evangelist Maria

Two new converts in the longhouse of Sarawak received the Alkitab Bible from our MAP REAP Sarawak evangelist.
Keen to speed on the gospel in the rurals of Sarawak? Support for one REAP Sarawak evangelist is Rm200 per month or Rm2400 per year.
You can send your support to: MAP Partners Berhad, 16-1, Jalan Ara SD7/3B, Bandar Sri Damansara, 52200 Kuala Lumpur or bank into our Public Bank Account: 3108884208 under MAP Partners Berhad. Designate “REAP evangelist”. Please scan to us your bank in slip by email: Thank you. God bless.