16th MAP Staff Retreat
11-12 October, 2019
MAP Staff in keeping with a yearly tradition of team building, reflection and reorientation into the future, took off to Highland Christian Centre, Cameron Highlands, Pahang on 11-12 October 2019 for the 16th MAP Staff Retreat themed: “Towards Globalizing for Gospel Advance.”
Steadfast and faithful to the pioneering vision of MAP: “To catalyze the Church in Asia-Pacific and beyond to meet the challenges of extending God’s kingdom in the Third Millennium”, MAP as from 2020 will be preparing to: a) Equip and mobilize full-time workers of the kingdom in strategic urban centres in Asia-Pacific, Europe and beyond for gospel and discipleship movement ministries, and b) Raise more prayer partners and supporters of REAP Asia from Asia-Pacific, Europe and beyond.
We had a good time of prayer, fellowship, discussions and interaction on the future direction of MAP ministries.

“Thank God for guiding and leading MAP through the last 19 years. We are looking forward to the remarkable 20th year and the new goals to be fulfilled.” By Lydia Ooi, Honorary, Associate staff (Chinese Ministries)
“As we are moving towards End times, may God grant us the gift of ‘Issachar’ to know the times and what we should do. That we may advance according to His will and purposes.” By Albert Tang, Senior Associate Evangelist (Chinese Ministries).
“Caught a glimpse of the vision on Globalising for Gospel Advance and Asian Institute of Contemporary Christianity (AICC). I am reminded we are His instruments and He will enable His servants. I am also reminded of this verse, “What is impossible with man is possible with God” (Lk 18:27). Besides the spiritual input, I was also blessed physically with great food.” By Winnefred Teoh, Assistant Administrator.
“MAP’s goal of pioneering theological training and preaching ministries in Europe and Asia to advance the gospel in urban areas, and to increase workers of the kingdom in church and marketplace through AICC is tough by man’s standard but not with God. Everything is possible with God and if we have faith as small as a mustard seed, we can succeed.” By Low Jan Ni, Office Administrator.